Monday, April 1, 2013

God's Messages in Stone #6

The Radiant Stone

Precious gems have an inner radiance although encrusted by layers of mire and clay. When tumbles and polished then placed in a lovely setting they can take our breath away.

The Stone we have be considering actually went through a similar process. The Lord Jesus humbled Himself when He came from glory to take on the flesh of humanity. (Philippians 2:5-8) He willingly encrusted Himself with the clay of His creation. Not only that, Jesus on the cross also collected all the mire, filth and judgement of humankind’s sin.  As the Christ He became the rejected Stone.

By the power of His righteous life He overcame all this and rose again. He is now the Living Stone.  I think it was on the cross and in the tomb that Jesus also experienced the tumbling and polishing of God the Father’s power.  From that He arose triumphant and glorious. All the clay and mire of sinful humanity could no longer cling to Him.

In Revelation 4:3 we are given a glimpse of the living Stone named Jesus. Here, He is in the regal setting of Heaven. When John sees Christ Jesus he is overcome and left almost speechless. John could only describe Jesus in words of precious gems. Not only that, the stones mentioned were the first and last in the breastplate of the High Priest. This too is significant when we know Jesus is our eternal High Priest.  Here are John’s words: ‘There in heaven stood a throne, with one seated on the throne! And the one seated there looked like jasper and carnelian, and around the throne is a rainbow that looked like an emerald.’

What a transformation. The rejected Stone is declared to be the Radiant Stone. Such beauty isn’t cosmetic. It comes from Christ’s essential and eternal nature.  His glory has been enhanced by His becoming the crucified and risen Saviour. Our Lord is now in His proper setting waiting until the time is right to return to Earth as the Lord God of hosts.

As John concludes the account recorded in Revelation he mentions the eternal city of the New Jerusalem. ‘It has the glory of God and a radiance like a very rare jewel, like jasper, clear as crystal.’ (Revelation 21:11)  What that says to me is that the future city is permeated by the very radiance and beauty of our Lord and Saviour. I’m overwhelmed by the wonder of His grace that Jesus has made it possible for the likes of you and me to be citizens of this place. 

When we believe on Jesus as the Stone who took on our clay and mire we acknowledge Him as the Rejected Stone. When we commit our lives to Him by faith in Him as the risen Lord He becomes our Living Stone.  As we get to know Him more and more through the Bible we realise Christ Jesus is our Foundation Stone. Because of all that, one day we will behold Him with wonder and praise as Jesus Christ, Lord, Saviour, Eternal God, our Radiant Stone!

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