Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Christmas meets Calvary


When angels sang at Jesus’ birth

They proclaimed, to all on earth,

Jesus would bring peace and glory

             For Christmas was Heaven’s story

                                           Revealed in the Name of Jesus

         The cross, unseen, over the manger hovered,

While straw, freshly cut, the babe did cover.

By shepherds and Magi, He was worshipped.

But on the Cross, Jesus revealed His purpose.

Christmas and Calvary forever linked.


      That Bethlehem night was bathed in light

Satan’s kingdom prepared to fight

Against He who would be the Galilean,

Their plan climaxing at Calvary’s cross  

Was Christ’s victory, Satan’s eternal loss.


     The promise of Christmas is linked with Calvary.

          We can join the Angels’ song of Jesus’ glory

For our eternal salvation Jesus achieved,   


            And offered to all who can see and believe

             The manger paved the way to Calvary!


©Ray Hawkins Dec. 2020.




Sunday, December 13, 2020

Christmas is a declaration of war!



: John 1:1-18.

 We have made it what it was never intended to be, a sweet, sentimental occasion for people to have nice, warm, fuzzy feelings. Someone is coming permeates the first thirty-nine books of the Bible. In many places there are clues to His identity and purpose, bold statements about His character and strategy. There are also metaphors pointing to spiritual realities the coming One would fulfil. 

The god of this world is no fool. As you study the Old Testament you are given insights into his attempts to prevent the Promised One from coming. This included attempts to destroy the nation of Israel, corrupt and obliterate the genealogical line and mutilate the message. Time after time it seemed Satan came close to achieving his aims. The Lord God of Hosts always came up with an answer, a master stroke, a surprise element.

Herod produced the first martyrs of Christmas. On hearing about the birth of the Promised One he ordered the death of babes two years and under in Bethlehem. The ‘Someone’ is coming was declared by the shepherds, the magi and others, to have come.  The four Gospels present their majestic portrays of the One called Jesus. It becomes clear from their writings they were convinced that this man of Nazareth was the fulfilment of the clues, metaphors and other snippets from their Scriptures. Jesus himself insisted that people examine Him and the Scriptures to make sure they matched. (John 5:39).

Part of the strategy of Jesus Christ for re-conquering the world from the powers of Darkness was to enlist men and women. They had to be convinced about Him and what He was on about. The Lord never bribed people to join his ranks. In fact Jesus spelt out loud and clear the costs involved which precede the victory celebration.

This and the following devotionals want to take you into an understanding of the ‘Battle Zone’. You will follow God’s promise of the One who is to come and how each ‘jig-saw’ piece would ultimately come together at Bethlehem. Being convinced about who Jesus is, why he came and the victory achieved gives us moral and spiritual courage. We need this to face the challenges of being in the legion of the Lord. 

Throughout both Testaments is a third facet of the coming of the Promised One. It is the statement ‘Someone’ is coming again! It is the same Jesus who came the first time to experience the cross, rise again and offer us salvation and a new destiny. When He comes again it will be to judge the world and to reign in righteousness. Those, who by faith now have declared their allegiance, will in that day share in His kingdom. 

Though the contest continues, victory is assured. Be strengthened for the conflict through insights from these devotional meditations!

copyright Raymond N. Hawkins 2020

The photo above is of George and Rita Galieh. He was a speaker and excellent violinist. She a fine singer and artist with chalk. A lovely and faithful couple in Christ's ministry.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Heaven's Life Assessment.

 What would you list as top of Heaven's Assessment Sheet in its evaluation of your life?  I'm taking a 'punt' and saying you, with most others would list 'Love!' Those who know 1 Corinthians 13:13 realise Love is greater that hope and faith. But, there was another life style quality that kept nagging me. It wanted to claim top spot.

I was pushed to my concordance to find Biblical backup to its claim. It has a case worthy of consideration.  What is the distinguishing word? 'Faithful!' Why is this  pushing 'Love' into 2nd place? We know God is Love - but how is that shown and therefore, known? 

We immediately respond with "Christmas and Calvary". So true, but how did those two historical event take place? Because, the Lord God made a promise to Adam and Eve in Genesis 3:15 about a baby. This is repeated in Isaiah 7:14. Through centuries when God's love and grace were violated He kept His word. Read Matthew 1:18-25 as it is the culmination of God's faithfulness.  Deuteronomy 7:9 is an excellent summary of God's assessment by such people as Abraham, Sarah, Moses and Nehemiah. 'Know that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps covenant and mercy with them that love Him... '  

Consider Jesus. We believe He loved us and proved it in the crucible of being faithful under severe testing prior to the cross [Hebrews 2:17]. In Revelation the Apostle John records this assessment of Jesus, three times: ch1:5 the Faithful witness. Ch. 3:14, the Faithful and True witness. Ch. 19:11, He who is called Faithful and true'. In chapters 21:5 and 22:6 that which He spoke was deemed to be Faithful and True.

Yes, we are to love God and our neighbour but an interesting fact emerges from the Epistles. Individuals and congregations are commended on their faithfulness, not their love.. In Colossians, Paul seems to stress 'faithful' to this fellowship, and certain men are referred too: Chapter 1:2 'To the saints and faithful people at Colossae...' In ch 1: 7 Epaphras our... faithful fellow slave. In ch.4: 7 Tychicus and in verse 9, Onesimus, both proven faithful.   To what have they been faithful? The putting into practice the teachings of Christ. This made love for Christ tangible as they reached to win the lost and encourage the saved. The Apostle writing to the Corinthians wrote, 'It is required that Stewards [and ministers/attendants] be found faithful.'

Over and over again  this word is highlighted in both Testaments. In some of his parables the Lord commended the servant, not about worship, sermons even love but about being faithful. Matthew 24:45 and 25:21.

How do you express your love and commitment to Christ as Lord and Saviour? By faithfulness to His word. A wonderful promise is mentioned in Psalm 101:6 'Mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me...' 

copyright Ray Hawkins 7/12/2020.


Tuesday, December 1, 2020

I Sing but do I See?

 The Battle Hymn of the Republic stirs the soul  when heard or sung. The story behind it is interesting. However, what the words say seem to have lost their 'punch' to many in America today. 'Mine eyes have see  the glory of the coming of the Lord' is the opening line. It appears to me that there are forces in America and elsewhere   

intent on blinding the Nation to the Truths of Scripture woven in that hymn.

The Lord is portrayed as 'meek and mild' by many. They forget the military term 'Lord of Hosts' is His. He is the Commander. His 'sword' is the Word of God with which He judges the nation and individuals. Verse 3 in my hymnal mentions being sifted before His 'judgement seat'. That is our accounting time. How will any of us, and particularly those in Government 'answer Him?' Will it be with 'jubilant feet?' 

In verse 2 is mention 'His righteous sentence'. What would you think that 'righteous sentence' from the Bible might be? There are many from which to chose. From the hymn itself I wonder if it is referring to the singer's relationship of faith in Jesus as Lord and Saviour? Read 1 John 3:2-3.

The mention of the death of Christ in verse 4 would seem to me to undergird the whole of the hymn. The cross isn't a piece of jewelry it is what Jesus endured to deliver us from sin, Satan and eternal death. Jesus is our reason, not merely for the season of Christmas, but for holiness, truth and defending the lives of those in the womb. It goes beyond borders to helping the impoverished and seeking justice where there is injustice, to cite a few issues.

Each verse ends with the idea that God and His word are marching. Actually, after His battle on Calvary, Jesus ascended to His Father's presence. He is seated, waiting the appointed time to return. We are the ones called upon to do the marching, the confronting, the living out of His teachings and if need be, to die for His cause.
Christians around the World, and even in America, are facing morally and spiritually difficult and even dangerous days. We need to make sure our vision from our faith is clear. We need to be confident in the person in whom we live and move and have our being, only Jesus. We need to watch out for each other, worship and share the Gospel.
May each and every time we sing 'Mine Eyes have seen the Glory' it thrills the soul.

Copyright Ray Hawkins Dec 2020.