Sunday, May 19, 2019

My Dark Night.

My dark Night!

I was rushed to hospital and on life support. By God's good grace and excellent medical surgery I came through that 'night'. It would be another four months before being discharged. I am now on long term rehabilitation.
Below is a part of my experiences 

I woke filled with fright.
It was night.
The room touched by sickly light.
Then I heard,

My night began in Hobart hospital.
To sleep soundly was ‘mission impossible.’
Besieged by doubt
My heart shouted out,
“Why am I here?”
“Where is here?”

Later this I learnt,
My trip to St. Luke’s hospital earnt
An emergency trip
In an ambulance on a drip. 
The blood clot in my leg
Was intent upon leaving me dead!

 In the darkness I struggled to pray.
What words? Impossible to say.
But no sense of the Lord was felt.
I was weak, my soul began to melt.
Insinuations intruded.
Whispers of unbelief invaded.

Your cries are not heard"
Your Master hasn’t stirred
To help you win the fight!”
Despair sought to undermine
My trust at this dark time.
Then, God’s word came to mind. 

To His disciples  Christ gave His word
“I will never leave you” is what they heard.
In this assurance they did face,
Opposition, death and disgrace.
And by His promise faced hostility
With faith, hope, love and humility.

Why then in my night of difficulty
Should I yield to unbelief’s slander?
Or to its corrosive thoughts pander?
Jesus promised to be with me!
In my soul’s night this is my light:
In the shadows He’s holding me tight!


©Ray Hawkins March 2019.

Outlined in RHH. completed at home.

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