Saturday, May 4, 2019

I wasn’t with Mary Magdalene



I wasn’t with Mary when she went to the garden tomb
It was early when she walked through the gloom
With heavy heart wanting to fulfil Jewish burial rites
And found the Roman guards had been put to flight
The sealed was broken, the tomb was open wide
Inside no corpse was there.  Mary wondered why.

I would have enjoyed seeing Mary’s expressions
When she heard “Mary!”  and the easing of tensions
Grief, uncertainty and fear would have dissolved
For now The Messiah’s identity had been solved.
What Scripture’s prophecies and allegories implied
Found fulfilment in Jesus Christ the crucified.

 To Mary the first to have seen the victor of Calvary
Was given the privilege of heralding His victory
To those disciples cowering in disillusionment
Her testimony aroused faith and passion with intent
That made Peter and John run there to verify
What Jesus stated, though crucified He would arise.

 I wasn’t there to see it myself, but I believe her story
For with the other disciples, Christ’s resurrection glory
Would cause much joy and sorrow in their new mission
To share the gospel about Christ’s offer of redemption
And The Holy Spirit put it all together in Scripture
To lead you and me to faith, hope and a new destiny.

©Ray Hawkins April 2019.

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