Jeremiah 9: 34-34 ‘Let those who boast, boast in this, that they understand and know me, that I am the Lord’. (Yahweh speaking)
Mary and I in 2017.
We were married in 1964 and have two boys, Lance and Craig and one daughter Gaylene.
Add to them, two daughter in laws - Karen and Rachelle.
Now also six grandchildren.
Since you have found me
I would like to invite you to come walk with me in cyber space through my blog. Some parts may be of more interest than others, overall however I hope you have an enjoyable time opening up the various ‘pages’ listed on the bar.
On Mondays of each week I plan to have comments about some topic which has relevence to the Christian World view. It will be a personal view from a Biblical framework. Whether you agree or disagree I do hope you will at least be stimulated to consider the issue and the subsequent consequences to faith, morality and happiness.
You may like to check out one or more of my other pages from time to time.
***I have posted devotional meditations
*** little quips called ‘Love Bytes.'
*** Bible Study outlines
available for you to work through and even use if you so desire. I only ask you acknowledge the source of the studies you might use. Thanks!
*** Sometimes I’ll post poems which span a number of my experiences.
Thanks for dropping by. If after you have wandered through the ‘pages’ and feel inclined to make a comment that would be great. I’ll do my best to reply in the shortest time possible.
Ray Hawkins.