Friday, November 27, 2020

The Night approaches

 Electricity has softened the darkest of nights. Torch batteries give us comfort when we are out in the country around midnight. Sitting around a campfire gives a warm, fuzzy feeling in the evening hours. All this tends to make us dilute the sense of danger in some words Jesus spoke.

  "The night comes when no one can work." John 9:4. To what was Jesus warning? A time He knew would come when to talk about who He is and what He did at Calvary and His promises to believers [and His warnings to scoffers] would be prohibited. In a sense, they will endeavour to cut off our 'spiritual energy sources. Glimpses of that night have appeared over the centuries. It was bravely resisted even at great personal cost by faithful men and women. But - do you sense there's another, more insidious move to bring the night on? 

Why would I ask this? Well, after 50 plus years in Christian ministry I've noticed the supporters of what Jesus calls Darkness are marshalling their resources. To teach about Christian morality and marriage, to oppose transgender issues [these are contrary to Genesis and Creation of Adam and Eve] and dare to show the unscientific nature of Evolution is to find yourself in trouble. Expulsion from academia, litigation and threats are more and more prevalent. John 3:19 offers us an understanding as to the 'Why'. "This is the condemnation, that light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.' [The word is 'poneros' from which we get pornography]

There isn't any stated time frame when the night will come. But it is being rolled out under such slogans as 'Reset' and Black Lives Matter' and the Davos Forum and 'Build Back Better'. Globalisation is noble sounding but covers over its goal of control by 'the Elite' who know what's best for us - Ha! 

The 'Night' cannot gain power until the Christian Faith is weakened or silenced. Why? Because the Gospel reveals the heart of darkness within people and organisations. As Jesus put it, "I am come, a light into the world, that whoever believes on me should not walk in darkness" John 12:46. That is the mandate Christ gave the Church, 'Teach and make disciples.' Teach what? The grace of God, the Cross of Christ and the price of faith in Him as Saviour and Lord.This transforms the dwellers in Darkness into children of the Light. Let's keep the light shining and drawing more and more from the kingdom of Darkness into the Kingdom of God's Son.

Should the night come over us unexpectedly may we be found well prepared. We might be limited by threats, prohibitions and fines but remember, the darker the night the brighter the light of Christ shines. Nothing can stop our prayers. Nothing will muzzle Scripture and nothing will kill the Church. I like the assurance from Micah 7:8 'When I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me.' Even in such times the Psalmist gave this testimony, 'I have remembered your Name in the night, and have kept your law' 119:55.

The final word comes from Revelation 21:5 (in the Heavenly city) 'there shall be no night there.'


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