Monday, November 9, 2020

Let's Blame God

 Did God cast a vote for either Trump or Biden? Has God chosen the next President without consulting the American people? From Romans 13 many would imagine that is the way it is. 'The powers that be are ordained of God' is verse 1 in KJV. 
That puts the Almighty into a rather murky light. For it is saying, regardless of what a nation does or chooses to do, God does as He pleases. Therefore, on such a premise The Creator endorses abortion, euthanasia, vote-rigging, intimidation, anti-Israel activities, prostitution endorsement, Same-Sex [so called] unions, etc. 

Whoops! Hold on a minute. That's a far cry from the God the Bible talks about. Its a parody of the Person Jesus revealed and called "Father!" If we fail to balance these verses with other Scripture we have a 'lop-sided' God who is not holy, righteous or Truth. 

The character of God, the Great 'I AM' can be understood in His options for the Nation of Israel. In Deuteronomy 28-30. There He outlines the conditions for receiving His blessings and a severe warning of judgement for despising, ignoring and breaking them. He gave the people a charter. He gave them the right of choice. He said to them, "I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life..." Deuteronomy 30:19. 

It was their choices which determined blessings or curses, freedom or judgement according to their adherence to the Charter. Their history, according to the Bible, is one of poor choices and severe judgement. 
To their unbelief and arrogant hearts the Bible talks about another spiritual identity,
Lucifer and his principalities and powers. They are in stark contrast to and constant opposition against The Lord and Creator and His Charter. This is the driving force, behind the political, social and religious scenes of societies. Lucifer, known also as the Devil, is the liar, the murderer and perverter of lives. The Word of God is the only sure defence and wisdom to discern the wiles and strategies he presents.

Whenever a follower of Christ violates the will, the work and the ways of Christ he or she gives the Kingdom Darkness corrupting power. It is often unintentional and out of ignorance but the saying 'you reap what you sow' remains true. This is verified by countless lives and national histories. As Proverbs 16:25 puts it, 'There is a way that seems right unto a person, but the ends thereof are the ways of death.'

When a Christian goes to the polls he/she is to be influenced by God's charter and the Person of Jesus Christ. In their voting they can sow the seed in the Nation for blessing or judgement. 'Righteousness exalts a Nation...' Proverbs 14:34  

God's call hasn't changed, "Choose life!"

Copyright Ray Hawkins 10/11/2020

1 comment:

  1. Hi Ray,
    I have never seen an Election where Fear has brought so much division and tension to a so called Christian nation.

    Whilst I may disagree politically with one particular party. The real challenge is to Love others unconditionally. Because it seems clear that both political parties lacks the capacity to do that at present, this creates a real opportunity for the church to bring healing and unity in Christ.

    Andy Stanley talks about evaluating our politics through the filter of our faith rather than creating a version of faith that supports our politics.
    I would like to challenge you and any other readers to have a listen to that message (Link)
    Neil Parish
