Thursday, November 5, 2020

Ichabod – The Glory has departed.

Glory is an expression for the presence of God. This Glory was revealed from Mount Sinai to Israel and then in the Holy of Holies of the Tabernacle, later in the Temple at Jerusalem. Unfortunately, there came a time when, according to the Bible, ‘Ichabod’ happened. The record is in Ezekiel 8-11.

Why did God’s glory depart?

Continuous, unrelenting dishonour by those who claimed to be His people, to worship and serve Him and obey His teachings.

Flick over to the New Testament and Revelation 3:14-22. A similar thing has happened. This time it involves the Church. The people claiming to be followers of Christ have actually taken a detour away from Him and His teachings. This is so vividly highlighted in the church of Laodicea. Among the many facets of sadness mentioned in this account is that of Jesus ‘knocking on the door’ to make the church aware of His absence.

Outwardly, the followers [now detour-ers] had it all. Christ’s view - they were empty, materialistic and dishonouring. They imagined they had everything but couldn’t grasp the fact that they were ‘Ichabod’.

Since A.D. 300 this has been an unfortunate history of the Christian church. It was foreseen and written down to warn and bring sorrow of heart. ‘Ichabod’ is defined in 2 Timothy 4:3 as

rejecting sound teaching and accepting fables and immorality. The Glory returned to the Church because faithful men and women took the Bible seriously and taught it fearlessly and paid a heavy price in doing so. Men such as Huss, Luther, Latimer, Wycliffe believed in the whole of Scripture as God’s Word; preached Christ crucified, risen and ascended reigning as Saviour and Lord and taught righteousness as the lifestyle pleasing to Christ. They ‘paved the way’ for the Glory to return. This underscores the morality, motivation and the story of the Western Civilisation.

What of today?

My heart is heavy as I sense ‘Ichabod’ happening. When Church leaders support immoral relationships and are silent on issues such as child abuse and abortion, they have taken a self-destructive detour. Then to say, as the Pope was quoted, that he expects atheists to be in Heaven denies the work, worth and words of Jesus. When Governments, founded upon Faith and conviction that the Bible’s principles are true and worthy to implement, begin to destroy that foundation the ‘Glory’ fades and dies. When Christians endorse Government decrees that murder the unborn, uphold the immoral and seek preferment rather than revival they should never misunderstand their sense of feeling God is a long way away. He is! ‘Ichabod’ happens when Truth is rejected and Lies reign. ‘Ichabod’s darkness deepens and sorrow increases as righteousness is shredded by lust and larceny.

Where is Jesus in all of this?

He is knocking on the doors of Governments to warn of coming consequences. He is ‘ringing the bell’ of the Church to wake and recommission it. He is ‘sending texts’ (scriptural) to individuals to have them repent and be re-equipped to reflect His Glory.

During the time ‘Ichabod’ rules, Christ’s disciples undergo tough trials. The price they pay in discrimination, suffering, rejection and loss will be their testimony to the inner presence and joy of the Lord. We in the West could be entering into the experiences of God’s people in Africa and Asia. Don’t face it unprepared!

‘Let your Light [God’s glory] so shine before others, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in Heaven.’ Matthew 5:16.

Ray Hawkins Nov. 6 2020

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