used animal terms on a number of occasions. Two of them I want to emphasise ,
they are Wolves and Sheep. We understand that because Jesus is the Good
Shepherd the sheep are His people. Matthew 7:15 ‘Beware of false prophets, who
come to you in sheep’s clothing but inwardly are ravenous wolves.’ Jesus, in
His great message about the events preceding His return, highlighted the fact
of false prophets proliferating. Matthew 24:24.
It seems
to me that we are living in their ‘breeding and marauding season.’ The Church
is being mauled by the Devil’s brood. Sadly, the non-churched community think
these ‘wolves in sheep’s clothing’ are part of the ‘sheep’ community. This
results in people cursing the Church and rejecting Christ because of the evil
actions of the false prophets. There are seven species of wolves and they roam
in specific areas. There’s the gray wolf and the artic, the red wolf and
Himalayan, an India one plus an Ethiopian and Eastern breed. Within our Church
and Society scene it is a good reminder to be on ‘red alert’ for their human
the pages of the Bible the term wolves is applied to men in official positions (Ezekiel
22:27) intent on dishonest gain. Zephaniah 3:3 applies it to Judges who use
their position for personal gain and revenge. It is an amazing fact that so
many of the wolves in religious sheep covering strut the world’s stage.
Television and the internet make them sound so plausible and personable as they
promise much whilst stripping your soul and bank balance.
In an
article on wolves was the following quote: ‘The majority of victims of
predatory wolf attacks are children under age of 18 and, in the rare cases
where adults are killed, the victims are almost always women.’ As I read the
New Testament I find something very similar. The writers of the New Testament
letters give strong warnings about this danger. Paul warned the Ephesian Elders
that such predatory wolves were prowling even as he was talking. His warning
was their call to be on guard and not be a mere hireling who runs away from
protecting the flock. (John 10:12). I’m left with the impression that the
majority of these mangy mongrels are males (I wouldn’t call them men).
How is
this being played out today? Child abuse in Church run institutions and parish churches
are under the spotlight. The predators in cleric garb have ripped out the faith
and innocence of children many of whom are wrecks of what they were meant to
be. Those who knew and did nothing are mere hirelings, not shepherds. Christ Jesus speaks of a greater judgement
which will fall upon such wolves (and I think it will fall on those who
neglected their shepherd’s calling). I believe Christ holds such victims in a
special section of His heart and affections. May they discover it, though they
have to struggle through a lot of emotional and spiritual rubble!
What then
is our best defence in dealing with these spiritual and moral predators? How
are we able to develop an inner alarm system which gives out warning
vibrations? Paul’s words to the Elders in Acts 20:32 is a good commencement
place. ‘I commend you to God and to the message of His grace, a message that is
able to build you up and to give you the inheritance among all who are
sanctified.’ His words to Timothy also undergird the importance of knowing
Biblical teaching. ‘Pay close attention to yourself and to your teaching,
continue in these things, for in doing this you will save both yourself and
your hearers.’ (1 Timothy 24:16)
strange thing about Christ Jesus as the Shepherd is His command to His sheep. ‘I
am sending you out like sheep into the midst of wolves; so be as wise as serpents
and innocent as doves. Beware of them…’ Matthew 10:16-42. We are not to be
cowered by the wolves but to take the message of transforming grace to the
society in which they prowl. Jesus says it is nerve-wracking and dangerous but
that the wolves are actually afraid of sheep with a message of the cross. He
also promised personal recognition and reward for His people rising up to the
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