against women is headline news and there is much angst about it. However, who
will be brave enough to confront some of the things which promote it? Many of
the Television shows denigrate women. The
internet is also saturated with material designed to degrade a woman’s
intrinsic worth. Add to those, certain religions which treat women as objects
for men’s pleasure and second-rate citizens. But, why are such attitudes and
actions wrong?
The same question
can be asked about child-abuse, same-sex marriage and polygamy. What about
abortion, euthanasia, drug dependence, Sharia law and corruption, are these
wrong? If so, on what basis are they wrong? Are we beginning to experience the ‘fruit’
of the sowing the ‘seeds of no absolutes?’ Is society’s rejection of absolutes walking
us into scary times? The forces which are turning off the lights of life’s
absolutes cannot offer any flickering light in their place. This results in a
creeping darkness infected by unbridled Wrongful-mess. A Proverb sums it up
well: ‘There is a way that seems right to a man, but in the end it leads to
death.’ (Proverbs 16:25
There are
those in our society who claim it is freedom to be unfettered by moral and
spiritual absolutes. Yet, without such unchanging sunlight a darkness envelops
the soul and fear begins to roam, demons torment and grief explodes. Only in
the Light of absolute righteousness and truth is true freedom able to exist. In
the words of an old Proverb ‘Righteousness exalts a nation, but sin is a
disgrace to any people.’ (Proverbs 14:35) In the context ‘sin’ equals
unrighteousness or as I’ve put it ‘wrongful-mess.’ Christian nations which once
had a certain moral nobility and godly fervour are being dragged out of the
light which exalts. The result, moral and spiritual disintegration and disgrace
in the prison of darkness.

question then arises, ‘where can such absolutes be found?’ If they exist they
must proceed from someone who is unchanging, whose words can be trusted who
also understands us and desires the best for us. In the face of all who clamour
for this title only Jesus Christ and His Word rises above the pack. He
practiced what He preached and didn’t back down when faced with crucifixion. If
Jesus had remained in the tomb no one would be talking about Him. His
resurrection exalted Him as Lord and Saviour. Therefore, His words have the
power to light up our darkness and point us to a way out of the darkness.
the centuries it is recorded how forces aligned with Wrongful-mess have
corrupted and condemned people and society to despair. What is also revealed is
that men and women with faith in Christ Jesus took on the darkness. A high
price was sometimes paid but slowly the lights of Righteousness, Truth and Hope
were switched on. Believers in Jesus Christ as Lord, Saviour Almighty God may
be called upon in coming days to pay a similar price. Are we up to it?
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