Monday, September 21, 2020


 Racism is colour coded. At this moment the Black Lives Matter [BLM] see it as a white privilege colour. At the same time those with a different skin colour can and often do view others’ colour with suspicion.

Two main factors feed into and feed upon Race Discrimination. One is the theory of Evolution. This relegates races from inferior to superior and is affected by [could I add, infected by] a judgement stemming from a person’s country and culture. This theory by the arch racist, Charles Darwin, has been responsible for unnumbered deaths.

The other contributing factor is found in the human heart. Within it is a twisted, self-seeking and unpleasant principle called Sin. Though all are infected, it will and does use the Racism issue for its own gain or revenge. That is so easily seen in the BLM inspired violence and burnings rather than pursuing justice.

There isn’t one Nation, nor one person immune from this poisonous attitude. How then can it be subdued and controlled? One, the theory of Evolution must be overturned. This is only possible by the teaching of the Judeo-Christian Bible. It declares in the beginning God created … Adam and Eve. From this couple came Humanity. We are one blood. What is happening when Racism runs riot, is actually ‘Family Abuse.’ That means the Creator of the human family will one day call the perpetrators to account. That will not be a good day or  result in a good outcome.

The other need is for an inner experience which can change and dominate the inner twisted sin nature. That requires the One with the authority and skill to perform such a life changing task. The Person appointed to do it, is Jesus Christ. His requirement is that you, individually, place your life in His care. This requires an act of trust.

Jesus, as Lord and Saviour, cleanses and forgives the person and implants a new life’s principle. It is the Grace and knowledge of God. It, is nurtured by reading the Bible and worship. There are many wonderful facets to this new inner principle, one being Love. It is an inner power to love God, love yourself and love others. This is the best and the only long-lasting answer to Racism.

For more details on Creation and the beginning of Humanity and how our different skin colour came to be, Google ‘Answers in Genesis’ [Ken Ham] and/or ‘Creation Research’ [John Mackay].

©Ray Hawkins September 2020

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