Something must
have overturned the negative remarks or at least transformed them. It is this
‘something’ which lifted an obscure Jewish Rabbi from a turbulent period of
history into life’s most important and distinctive person!
Entombed, with
the Sanhedrin’s seal over the stone door and guarded by a contingent of soldiers,
the unimaginable happened. Jesus rose from the dead! The stone rolled; the
soldiers fainted, the angels rejoiced and the demons shuddered. The man from
Nazareth left His former body, bearer of the sins of the world, in the dust. Now
He was exhibiting his new, glorified, imperishable and undefiled body in its
radiant power.
Now to hear that
is to react with scepticism. What authority exists to offer authenticating
support to ‘pour acid’ on doubt and unbelief? I would offer the following: The
prophecies of 39 books called the Tenach (also known as the Old Testament); the
changed behaviour of the disciples; the failure of the ‘government’ to refute
the claims regarding Christ’s resurrection; and the existence of the Church.
From Genesis
through to Malachi there is the prophecy that someone was coming. Clues are
scattered throughout the books revealing his character, work, suffering,
victory, authority and victory. Statements and promises stretched over two
thousand years merge into one person. Read psalm 22, Isaiah 53, Psalm 110 for
starters. Our celebration of Christmas hangs on the awareness that the Babe of
Bethlehem was the promised one. Jesus, in John 5:39 emphasised the importance
of the thirty-nine books for they spoke about him.

Another reason
for accepting the resurrection of Christ as historical is the change in the
disciples. Before the Sunday event they were dispirited, beaten and cowering in
an upper–room. Afterwards, they were transformed into heroes of the Faith.
These men in particular suffered for their conviction. Everyone (apart from
John) were martyred. Their legacy was not in bank balances accumulated or
honours bestowed. No their legacy is commitment to the Truth of what was
written in the thirty-nine books, verified before their eyes and sealed by
Christ’s resurrection. That is why when these men and women preached their
opening words seem to have been “It is written!”
The Jewish and
Roman Governing authorities had an easy solution to undermining the message of
the disciples of Christ. Take the people to the tomb. If, as was declared, some
of His followers stole the body, arrest and charge them. To do so would have
meant putting the soldiers who were on duty at the time under oath. It would
also have revealed the conspiracy of the Sanhedrin to cover up the fact. Can
you imagine the political fall–out from such court proceeding. This is why the
authorities resorted to threats, banishment, slander and ultimately approval
for imprisonment and death.
Why didn’t Jesus
simply appear before the National Leaders and prove His resurrection. What
seems reasonable at first glance is actually counter–productive. First, they
didn’t want to believe. This is shown in their bribing of the soldiers to keep
quiet about it. Secondly, for Jesus to have done that would have meant He would
need to do it for everyone. The ‘currency’ Jesus requires from a person to
become His follower can be ‘paid for’ by those destitute to the unimaginably
rich. It’s called ‘Faith’ in the truth of Jesus Christ’s resurrection (Romans 10:8-13).
Part two follows
next week.