In this final blog about God the Rock we look at the use of it in Daniel. It began when Nebuchadnezzar dreamed about an idol. It was gigantic but its meaning was unclear until Daniel was summoned. He had been taken captive to Babylon when Nebuchadnezzar's army destroyed Israel and its capital. Daniel was given the gift to interpret this, and other dreams.
The significance of this dream goes beyond the scope of this blog. However please note the following: The idol representing the four nations was actually one. Therefore, one spirit was actually animating the four world powers. From further study you will realise that each kingdom sought the destruction of the Nation of Israel. Idols are a front
behind which the Devil hides to receive worship 1 Corinthians 10:19-20. This is
the force which infuses, controls the nations. You get a sense of this, more so
in some than others, in the nations’ treatment and attitude to
Notice, the symbolism of the Stone cut from the Rock but not by Human hands. The symbolism of this is vital. It means
the crushing Rock is of the same nature as The Rock. Remember what Jesus said.
John 10:30. He and the Father and therefore the Holy Spirit are one in essence. Deity is not needed to be
stated as its relationship is apparent. The Stone Daniel mentioned is also named The Lord of Hosts. He is the Lord Jesus in battle dress. What began on earth at
Crushing Stone strikes the base of the Idol and it becomes dust. If the feet
refer to the Roman empire then has Daniel or the interpreters got it wrong? Revelation 6-19 has information on this. What wasn't revealed to Daniel was the ‘sin binning’ of
Before the Day of the Stone from outer-space the Church's mission must be completed. It must be replaced by the final prophetic period foretold in Daniel 12. How is the Church taken from the scene? By the Rapture, 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18.
From the rejected Stone to the Smitten Stone then the Living Stone who is the foundation, corner and capstone and at the same time the Rock of Offence, the Stumbling Stone, Jesus will be the penultimate Crushing Stone. Only then will we behold Him as the Radiant Stone.
We must assess our
relationship to Him. Will He be our Crushing or our Radiant Stone? That will be decided by your faith in Him as the Lord and Saviour, crucified, entombed and risen.
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