Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Christmas meets Calvary


When angels sang at Jesus’ birth

They proclaimed, to all on earth,

Jesus would bring peace and glory

             For Christmas was Heaven’s story

                                           Revealed in the Name of Jesus

         The cross, unseen, over the manger hovered,

While straw, freshly cut, the babe did cover.

By shepherds and Magi, He was worshipped.

But on the Cross, Jesus revealed His purpose.

Christmas and Calvary forever linked.


      That Bethlehem night was bathed in light

Satan’s kingdom prepared to fight

Against He who would be the Galilean,

Their plan climaxing at Calvary’s cross  

Was Christ’s victory, Satan’s eternal loss.


     The promise of Christmas is linked with Calvary.

          We can join the Angels’ song of Jesus’ glory

For our eternal salvation Jesus achieved,   


            And offered to all who can see and believe

             The manger paved the way to Calvary!


©Ray Hawkins Dec. 2020.




Sunday, December 13, 2020

Christmas is a declaration of war!



: John 1:1-18.

 We have made it what it was never intended to be, a sweet, sentimental occasion for people to have nice, warm, fuzzy feelings. Someone is coming permeates the first thirty-nine books of the Bible. In many places there are clues to His identity and purpose, bold statements about His character and strategy. There are also metaphors pointing to spiritual realities the coming One would fulfil. 

The god of this world is no fool. As you study the Old Testament you are given insights into his attempts to prevent the Promised One from coming. This included attempts to destroy the nation of Israel, corrupt and obliterate the genealogical line and mutilate the message. Time after time it seemed Satan came close to achieving his aims. The Lord God of Hosts always came up with an answer, a master stroke, a surprise element.

Herod produced the first martyrs of Christmas. On hearing about the birth of the Promised One he ordered the death of babes two years and under in Bethlehem. The ‘Someone’ is coming was declared by the shepherds, the magi and others, to have come.  The four Gospels present their majestic portrays of the One called Jesus. It becomes clear from their writings they were convinced that this man of Nazareth was the fulfilment of the clues, metaphors and other snippets from their Scriptures. Jesus himself insisted that people examine Him and the Scriptures to make sure they matched. (John 5:39).

Part of the strategy of Jesus Christ for re-conquering the world from the powers of Darkness was to enlist men and women. They had to be convinced about Him and what He was on about. The Lord never bribed people to join his ranks. In fact Jesus spelt out loud and clear the costs involved which precede the victory celebration.

This and the following devotionals want to take you into an understanding of the ‘Battle Zone’. You will follow God’s promise of the One who is to come and how each ‘jig-saw’ piece would ultimately come together at Bethlehem. Being convinced about who Jesus is, why he came and the victory achieved gives us moral and spiritual courage. We need this to face the challenges of being in the legion of the Lord. 

Throughout both Testaments is a third facet of the coming of the Promised One. It is the statement ‘Someone’ is coming again! It is the same Jesus who came the first time to experience the cross, rise again and offer us salvation and a new destiny. When He comes again it will be to judge the world and to reign in righteousness. Those, who by faith now have declared their allegiance, will in that day share in His kingdom. 

Though the contest continues, victory is assured. Be strengthened for the conflict through insights from these devotional meditations!

copyright Raymond N. Hawkins 2020

The photo above is of George and Rita Galieh. He was a speaker and excellent violinist. She a fine singer and artist with chalk. A lovely and faithful couple in Christ's ministry.

Monday, December 7, 2020

Heaven's Life Assessment.

 What would you list as top of Heaven's Assessment Sheet in its evaluation of your life?  I'm taking a 'punt' and saying you, with most others would list 'Love!' Those who know 1 Corinthians 13:13 realise Love is greater that hope and faith. But, there was another life style quality that kept nagging me. It wanted to claim top spot.

I was pushed to my concordance to find Biblical backup to its claim. It has a case worthy of consideration.  What is the distinguishing word? 'Faithful!' Why is this  pushing 'Love' into 2nd place? We know God is Love - but how is that shown and therefore, known? 

We immediately respond with "Christmas and Calvary". So true, but how did those two historical event take place? Because, the Lord God made a promise to Adam and Eve in Genesis 3:15 about a baby. This is repeated in Isaiah 7:14. Through centuries when God's love and grace were violated He kept His word. Read Matthew 1:18-25 as it is the culmination of God's faithfulness.  Deuteronomy 7:9 is an excellent summary of God's assessment by such people as Abraham, Sarah, Moses and Nehemiah. 'Know that the Lord your God, He is God, the faithful God, who keeps covenant and mercy with them that love Him... '  

Consider Jesus. We believe He loved us and proved it in the crucible of being faithful under severe testing prior to the cross [Hebrews 2:17]. In Revelation the Apostle John records this assessment of Jesus, three times: ch1:5 the Faithful witness. Ch. 3:14, the Faithful and True witness. Ch. 19:11, He who is called Faithful and true'. In chapters 21:5 and 22:6 that which He spoke was deemed to be Faithful and True.

Yes, we are to love God and our neighbour but an interesting fact emerges from the Epistles. Individuals and congregations are commended on their faithfulness, not their love.. In Colossians, Paul seems to stress 'faithful' to this fellowship, and certain men are referred too: Chapter 1:2 'To the saints and faithful people at Colossae...' In ch 1: 7 Epaphras our... faithful fellow slave. In ch.4: 7 Tychicus and in verse 9, Onesimus, both proven faithful.   To what have they been faithful? The putting into practice the teachings of Christ. This made love for Christ tangible as they reached to win the lost and encourage the saved. The Apostle writing to the Corinthians wrote, 'It is required that Stewards [and ministers/attendants] be found faithful.'

Over and over again  this word is highlighted in both Testaments. In some of his parables the Lord commended the servant, not about worship, sermons even love but about being faithful. Matthew 24:45 and 25:21.

How do you express your love and commitment to Christ as Lord and Saviour? By faithfulness to His word. A wonderful promise is mentioned in Psalm 101:6 'Mine eyes shall be upon the faithful of the land, that they may dwell with me...' 

copyright Ray Hawkins 7/12/2020.


Tuesday, December 1, 2020

I Sing but do I See?

 The Battle Hymn of the Republic stirs the soul  when heard or sung. The story behind it is interesting. However, what the words say seem to have lost their 'punch' to many in America today. 'Mine eyes have see  the glory of the coming of the Lord' is the opening line. It appears to me that there are forces in America and elsewhere   

intent on blinding the Nation to the Truths of Scripture woven in that hymn.

The Lord is portrayed as 'meek and mild' by many. They forget the military term 'Lord of Hosts' is His. He is the Commander. His 'sword' is the Word of God with which He judges the nation and individuals. Verse 3 in my hymnal mentions being sifted before His 'judgement seat'. That is our accounting time. How will any of us, and particularly those in Government 'answer Him?' Will it be with 'jubilant feet?' 

In verse 2 is mention 'His righteous sentence'. What would you think that 'righteous sentence' from the Bible might be? There are many from which to chose. From the hymn itself I wonder if it is referring to the singer's relationship of faith in Jesus as Lord and Saviour? Read 1 John 3:2-3.

The mention of the death of Christ in verse 4 would seem to me to undergird the whole of the hymn. The cross isn't a piece of jewelry it is what Jesus endured to deliver us from sin, Satan and eternal death. Jesus is our reason, not merely for the season of Christmas, but for holiness, truth and defending the lives of those in the womb. It goes beyond borders to helping the impoverished and seeking justice where there is injustice, to cite a few issues.

Each verse ends with the idea that God and His word are marching. Actually, after His battle on Calvary, Jesus ascended to His Father's presence. He is seated, waiting the appointed time to return. We are the ones called upon to do the marching, the confronting, the living out of His teachings and if need be, to die for His cause.
Christians around the World, and even in America, are facing morally and spiritually difficult and even dangerous days. We need to make sure our vision from our faith is clear. We need to be confident in the person in whom we live and move and have our being, only Jesus. We need to watch out for each other, worship and share the Gospel.
May each and every time we sing 'Mine Eyes have seen the Glory' it thrills the soul.

Copyright Ray Hawkins Dec 2020. 

Friday, November 27, 2020

The Night approaches

 Electricity has softened the darkest of nights. Torch batteries give us comfort when we are out in the country around midnight. Sitting around a campfire gives a warm, fuzzy feeling in the evening hours. All this tends to make us dilute the sense of danger in some words Jesus spoke.

  "The night comes when no one can work." John 9:4. To what was Jesus warning? A time He knew would come when to talk about who He is and what He did at Calvary and His promises to believers [and His warnings to scoffers] would be prohibited. In a sense, they will endeavour to cut off our 'spiritual energy sources. Glimpses of that night have appeared over the centuries. It was bravely resisted even at great personal cost by faithful men and women. But - do you sense there's another, more insidious move to bring the night on? 

Why would I ask this? Well, after 50 plus years in Christian ministry I've noticed the supporters of what Jesus calls Darkness are marshalling their resources. To teach about Christian morality and marriage, to oppose transgender issues [these are contrary to Genesis and Creation of Adam and Eve] and dare to show the unscientific nature of Evolution is to find yourself in trouble. Expulsion from academia, litigation and threats are more and more prevalent. John 3:19 offers us an understanding as to the 'Why'. "This is the condemnation, that light has come into the world, and men loved darkness rather than light, because their deeds were evil.' [The word is 'poneros' from which we get pornography]

There isn't any stated time frame when the night will come. But it is being rolled out under such slogans as 'Reset' and Black Lives Matter' and the Davos Forum and 'Build Back Better'. Globalisation is noble sounding but covers over its goal of control by 'the Elite' who know what's best for us - Ha! 

The 'Night' cannot gain power until the Christian Faith is weakened or silenced. Why? Because the Gospel reveals the heart of darkness within people and organisations. As Jesus put it, "I am come, a light into the world, that whoever believes on me should not walk in darkness" John 12:46. That is the mandate Christ gave the Church, 'Teach and make disciples.' Teach what? The grace of God, the Cross of Christ and the price of faith in Him as Saviour and Lord.This transforms the dwellers in Darkness into children of the Light. Let's keep the light shining and drawing more and more from the kingdom of Darkness into the Kingdom of God's Son.

Should the night come over us unexpectedly may we be found well prepared. We might be limited by threats, prohibitions and fines but remember, the darker the night the brighter the light of Christ shines. Nothing can stop our prayers. Nothing will muzzle Scripture and nothing will kill the Church. I like the assurance from Micah 7:8 'When I sit in darkness, the Lord shall be a light unto me.' Even in such times the Psalmist gave this testimony, 'I have remembered your Name in the night, and have kept your law' 119:55.

The final word comes from Revelation 21:5 (in the Heavenly city) 'there shall be no night there.'


Wednesday, November 18, 2020

Why? Because!

We may debate the ‘How’ but be in agreement on its future appearance. The Bible is specific in its references to it. What is ‘IT?” Scriptures records it as a World Government under a leader hostile to followers of and proclaimers about Jesus Christ.

An interesting fact is the mention of ‘merchants’ (Revelation 18:3). They appear as the beneficiaries under this regime, making money and exercising certain powers in accordance with the unelected Leader. Could those merchants be the forerunners of our era’s Big Corporations, Silicon Valley, Media moguls and Wealthy and influential entrepreneurs?

There is an unusual amount of pressure through certain Governments and Media which points to conditioning us to accept this projected future. A forum at a place called Davos is preparing for a One World Government. The various ‘arms’ of the U.N. support it. People such as George Soros, Al Gore. Bill Gates, Prince Charles and many, many others undergird it.

What happens, or will happen to individuals and countries who buck against this monopoly, tyranny and false religious movement?

I think it is best illustrated in what is happening to President D. Trump. I have constantly wondered why he is so maligned, vilified, opposed and undermined? It goes beyond personality. It has nothing to do with his morals. It is because he is not a globalist! He puts his country, those under his Presidency, first!

He defended his position before the ‘Davos club’ and shortly afterwards they attacked his views. He defended his policies at the U.N and they endeavoured to humiliate him. President Trump is a threat to the determined endeavours of the ‘Elite’ to control us all. He is not part of the ‘swamp’. Therefore, by hook or by crook, he must not have a second term.

As a Bible believing Christian, I applaud President Trump for His ‘America First’ and M.A.G.A. I don’t know his relationship with or faith in Jesus as Saviour and Lord. This I know, he deserves our prayers as he wears and bears the undermining of his character and Presidency. In my opinion his Presidency has achieved more than others more lauded for doing less.

Just because, at sometime in the future, a One World Government will eventuate, we should not capitulate. ‘Bring Back Better’, ‘Reset’, B.L.M. Global Warming etc are masquerade words to lull you into complacency and compliance.

Jesus calls us to stand for His Truth in the midst of deception. He calls us to be ‘Lights’ in a dim and darkening World. He calls us to talk about and share the Gospel to a Society more intent on saving the trees than serving the Lord, or even hearing about Him. 

So, get dressed for the tough times ahead. Grow in Faith and understanding. Do your exercises in prayer and worship and be encouraged by the Fellowship of the Church. There is a possibility we will need all the grace of God to stand true to Him in coming days.

©Ray Hawkins November 2020.

Friday, November 13, 2020

Knowledge and power.

In previous eras there was an encouragement to learn.  Knowledge was touted as the gateway to a better life, job and understanding of creation. Lack of knowledge kept a person or society in ignorance, ill health, poverty and servility. Hosea put it this way 'My people are destroyed by lack of knowledge' (Hosea 4:6). 

 Though still true in many ways, especially in undeveloped countries, there has been a subtle twist to this old proverb. 'Power comes to the ones who control the knowledge'. In the Westernised cultures this is becoming more and more evident and more and more concerning. What Daniel 12:4 foresaw is our daily experience: 'Many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall increase.' We are bombarded with news, views, apps, F.B. telephone, newspapers, Hollywood and silicon valley etc. etc. etc. 

However, most of us absorb without discernment. It isn't until we are 'scammed', pilfered, exploited or otherwise hurt that we realise our knowledge was faulty and/or manipulated. This has emerged as a huge problem in recent elections, press briefings on the 'corona-virus' and reporting on persecution of Christians, especially was in Africa. 

What was assumed but nor written in the proverb 'knowledge is power' was the word 'Truth.' It is only Truth which produces helpful and healthy knowledge. It is only Truth that prevents power from dominating, crushing or corrupting those in 'Power.' If Truth was the pre-requisite for issuing information can you imagine the shock-waves through Governments and media, business and relationships and dare it be said, in Denominations and Missions.

Unfortunately, Truth is crucifiable in this World where Untruth, Half-Truths and out right Lies are the masters. Maybe that is one of the issues we have to face as Christians. Jesus is 'The Way, the Truth and the Life' and He was opposed and crucified. But, He could not be entombed but rose again. So it is with Truth. At present in Australia there are those who are 'crucified' for speaking the Truth from a Biblical Worldview. Martyn Iles from Australian Christian Lobby wrote:

Well-respected GP Dr Jereth Kok lost his medical licence because a review board in Victoria didn’t like the way he expressed his opinions about issues like transgenderism on social media.

·        A proposed law in Victoria would prevent Christians from working as chaplains – affecting not just chaplains but also the many students who rely on their care and support.

·        Brisbane mother Katrina Tait faced an inquiry from the NSW Anti-Discrimination Board after she supported ACL’s petition against the promotion of ‘Drag Queen Storytime’ to protect children.

·        A Christian couple in WA, the Hordyks, had their application to become foster parents terminated because of their Christian beliefs. 

We who follow the One, Jesus, who is the Truth and His Word, which is Truth must seek to know Him and be prepared to experience some form of 'crucifixion' for our stand. Take comfort in the fact that our Lord promised to provide and guide and turn our night into day.

Hosea quoted the Lord God as saying 'I desired\mercy, not sacrifice and the knowledge of God more than burnt offerings.' 6:6. In his final letter, Peter gives good advice for living for the Lord in a godless world: 'Grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ' 2 Peter 3:18.

The final word for us in our lifestyle is a quote from Ephesians 4:15, ' Speak (hold) the Truth in love'. Both are, sadly, in short supply.

Ray Hawkins.


Monday, November 9, 2020

Let's Blame God

 Did God cast a vote for either Trump or Biden? Has God chosen the next President without consulting the American people? From Romans 13 many would imagine that is the way it is. 'The powers that be are ordained of God' is verse 1 in KJV. 
That puts the Almighty into a rather murky light. For it is saying, regardless of what a nation does or chooses to do, God does as He pleases. Therefore, on such a premise The Creator endorses abortion, euthanasia, vote-rigging, intimidation, anti-Israel activities, prostitution endorsement, Same-Sex [so called] unions, etc. 

Whoops! Hold on a minute. That's a far cry from the God the Bible talks about. Its a parody of the Person Jesus revealed and called "Father!" If we fail to balance these verses with other Scripture we have a 'lop-sided' God who is not holy, righteous or Truth. 

The character of God, the Great 'I AM' can be understood in His options for the Nation of Israel. In Deuteronomy 28-30. There He outlines the conditions for receiving His blessings and a severe warning of judgement for despising, ignoring and breaking them. He gave the people a charter. He gave them the right of choice. He said to them, "I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing: therefore choose life..." Deuteronomy 30:19. 

It was their choices which determined blessings or curses, freedom or judgement according to their adherence to the Charter. Their history, according to the Bible, is one of poor choices and severe judgement. 
To their unbelief and arrogant hearts the Bible talks about another spiritual identity,
Lucifer and his principalities and powers. They are in stark contrast to and constant opposition against The Lord and Creator and His Charter. This is the driving force, behind the political, social and religious scenes of societies. Lucifer, known also as the Devil, is the liar, the murderer and perverter of lives. The Word of God is the only sure defence and wisdom to discern the wiles and strategies he presents.

Whenever a follower of Christ violates the will, the work and the ways of Christ he or she gives the Kingdom Darkness corrupting power. It is often unintentional and out of ignorance but the saying 'you reap what you sow' remains true. This is verified by countless lives and national histories. As Proverbs 16:25 puts it, 'There is a way that seems right unto a person, but the ends thereof are the ways of death.'

When a Christian goes to the polls he/she is to be influenced by God's charter and the Person of Jesus Christ. In their voting they can sow the seed in the Nation for blessing or judgement. 'Righteousness exalts a Nation...' Proverbs 14:34  

God's call hasn't changed, "Choose life!"

Copyright Ray Hawkins 10/11/2020

Thursday, November 5, 2020

Ichabod – The Glory has departed.

Glory is an expression for the presence of God. This Glory was revealed from Mount Sinai to Israel and then in the Holy of Holies of the Tabernacle, later in the Temple at Jerusalem. Unfortunately, there came a time when, according to the Bible, ‘Ichabod’ happened. The record is in Ezekiel 8-11.

Why did God’s glory depart?

Continuous, unrelenting dishonour by those who claimed to be His people, to worship and serve Him and obey His teachings.

Flick over to the New Testament and Revelation 3:14-22. A similar thing has happened. This time it involves the Church. The people claiming to be followers of Christ have actually taken a detour away from Him and His teachings. This is so vividly highlighted in the church of Laodicea. Among the many facets of sadness mentioned in this account is that of Jesus ‘knocking on the door’ to make the church aware of His absence.

Outwardly, the followers [now detour-ers] had it all. Christ’s view - they were empty, materialistic and dishonouring. They imagined they had everything but couldn’t grasp the fact that they were ‘Ichabod’.

Since A.D. 300 this has been an unfortunate history of the Christian church. It was foreseen and written down to warn and bring sorrow of heart. ‘Ichabod’ is defined in 2 Timothy 4:3 as

rejecting sound teaching and accepting fables and immorality. The Glory returned to the Church because faithful men and women took the Bible seriously and taught it fearlessly and paid a heavy price in doing so. Men such as Huss, Luther, Latimer, Wycliffe believed in the whole of Scripture as God’s Word; preached Christ crucified, risen and ascended reigning as Saviour and Lord and taught righteousness as the lifestyle pleasing to Christ. They ‘paved the way’ for the Glory to return. This underscores the morality, motivation and the story of the Western Civilisation.

What of today?

My heart is heavy as I sense ‘Ichabod’ happening. When Church leaders support immoral relationships and are silent on issues such as child abuse and abortion, they have taken a self-destructive detour. Then to say, as the Pope was quoted, that he expects atheists to be in Heaven denies the work, worth and words of Jesus. When Governments, founded upon Faith and conviction that the Bible’s principles are true and worthy to implement, begin to destroy that foundation the ‘Glory’ fades and dies. When Christians endorse Government decrees that murder the unborn, uphold the immoral and seek preferment rather than revival they should never misunderstand their sense of feeling God is a long way away. He is! ‘Ichabod’ happens when Truth is rejected and Lies reign. ‘Ichabod’s darkness deepens and sorrow increases as righteousness is shredded by lust and larceny.

Where is Jesus in all of this?

He is knocking on the doors of Governments to warn of coming consequences. He is ‘ringing the bell’ of the Church to wake and recommission it. He is ‘sending texts’ (scriptural) to individuals to have them repent and be re-equipped to reflect His Glory.

During the time ‘Ichabod’ rules, Christ’s disciples undergo tough trials. The price they pay in discrimination, suffering, rejection and loss will be their testimony to the inner presence and joy of the Lord. We in the West could be entering into the experiences of God’s people in Africa and Asia. Don’t face it unprepared!

‘Let your Light [God’s glory] so shine before others, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father who is in Heaven.’ Matthew 5:16.

Ray Hawkins Nov. 6 2020

Wednesday, September 30, 2020



“IT IS FINISHED!” The greatest victory cry that still resounds throughout Creation.

“it is finished!” The warfare between The Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan for the eternal destiny of each individual.

“it is finished!” The icy grip of Death and Its despair has been broken.

 Those three words were uttered by Jesus from the cross of Calvary. What appeared as an execution by authorities with undiluted malice towards Jesus, had far deeper implications. Jesus had come with a mission to fulfil. It was not a single issue to be fought over, but many facets with eternal consequences.

 We major on what those words mean for us, such as forgiveness, reconciliation, and hope. However, my mind cannot grasp the breadth of Christ’s victory and its implications. Have you ever sat down [you need to, for it will take time] and considered what “it is finished!”  embraces?

 The promises inherent within the Jewish Temple sacrificial system have been fulfilled. Jesus is the Passover Lamb. He has paid Sin’s price. He has stripped Death of its haunting power and binding fear. As 'the Lamb of God’ He crushed the Serpent called Satan. Where did this take place? In the darkness which enveloped the world that 3pm of the crucifixion day.

 Daniel predicted that on the 69th week of a 70 week of years from a specific date in the time of Nehemiah the Messiah would be cut off. That is, suffer death. This has been calculated to be the time when Jesus was crucified. “it is finished!” What Daniel 9:24-26 detailed has been completed.

 Isaiah 53 predicted there would be One called to be The Suffering Servant who would take Judgement upon Himself as a substitute for Israel. The Gospels and New Testament confirm this promised person as Jesus. “it is finished!” is His testimony from Calvary.

 In writing to the Christians at Colossae, the apostle Paul highlighted what Jesus secured for we Gentiles. In the letter to the Colossians in 2:10-15 is a ‘breathtaking’ explanation of “it is finished!” Christ has made us alive to God, we who had been dead to Him before. The charges listed against us had been paid for and wiped off our record. It was as though above the crucified Jesus was the charges listed, nailed and Christ’s blood declaring, ‘paid in full!’

 What the cry “it is finished!” also points to is ‘Now This Will Happen!’  What is involved in ‘This?’ We can be pardoned. We have a new destiny. We have a new song of faith, hope and love. We have a new relationship with Jesus and a new mission from Him. There is also the prophecies concerning the land and people of Israel, the return of Jesus to judge and reign and the rapture of the church. They are some of what are ahead for the inhabitants of earth and the Lord calls you to believe Him and be ready.

Copyright Ray H. October 2020.

Thursday, September 24, 2020

The Warrior Wife


I love discovering the meaning behind words. There are certain cultural shades of meaning which can be overlooked or misunderstood by translators from a different culture and mindset.

 Not understanding Hebrew (and most other languages) I like to listen to those emmeshed in or from a particular culture. Happened a very short time ago. Discussion got around to Biblical matters and Genesis in particular, which is a strong interest of mine.

“Did you know” my guest said, “the word for Eve has a military implication?”

“No! In what way?” I had in mind pictures of the super hero ‘Miss America.’   

“Nothing like that, and yet maybe there are shadows of it.”

 The word translated as ‘help-meet’ (Genesis 2:18) is the Hebrew word ‘ezer kenedgo’ (EZER = Helper. KENEDGO = Suitable) - and has a military meaning. The following verses from the Bible all translate ‘EZER’ as help.

I am poor and needy: make haste unto me O God: you are my help and my deliverer; O Lord, make no tarrying. Psalm 70:5

 You who fear the Lord, trust in the Lord: He is their help and their shield, Psalm 115:11.

 I will lift up my eyes to the hills, from where my help come. My help comes from the Lord, who made heaven and earth, Psalm 121:1-2.

 There are numerous other passages endorsing the imagery of ‘Helper’ being a military concept. I do like Psalm 121 in this light. I’m a pilgrim in this life and sometimes feel alone. However, the Lord I serve isn’t confined to the hills or valley’s but is responsive to my need, my call. This re-enforced by the title He bears, ‘The Lord of Hosts’ and ‘The Captain of the Lord’s Army.’

 When applied to Eve’s role with Adam the word ‘EZER’ expresses equality of rank, service and responsibility. One aspect of her role is to protect Adam’s back and also assist his advance. Should he fall, she stands guard. Should he advance, she is with him. should they be assailed, they stand together. Should either of them receive honour or recognition, both are included.

 Within the Christian scene this great analogy for a husband and wife can only be distorted by disobeying the Commanding Officer, The Lord Jesus Christ. If that happens, He has promised a ‘court-marshal.’

 ©Ray Hawkins September 23 2020.

Monday, September 21, 2020


 Racism is colour coded. At this moment the Black Lives Matter [BLM] see it as a white privilege colour. At the same time those with a different skin colour can and often do view others’ colour with suspicion.

Two main factors feed into and feed upon Race Discrimination. One is the theory of Evolution. This relegates races from inferior to superior and is affected by [could I add, infected by] a judgement stemming from a person’s country and culture. This theory by the arch racist, Charles Darwin, has been responsible for unnumbered deaths.

The other contributing factor is found in the human heart. Within it is a twisted, self-seeking and unpleasant principle called Sin. Though all are infected, it will and does use the Racism issue for its own gain or revenge. That is so easily seen in the BLM inspired violence and burnings rather than pursuing justice.

There isn’t one Nation, nor one person immune from this poisonous attitude. How then can it be subdued and controlled? One, the theory of Evolution must be overturned. This is only possible by the teaching of the Judeo-Christian Bible. It declares in the beginning God created … Adam and Eve. From this couple came Humanity. We are one blood. What is happening when Racism runs riot, is actually ‘Family Abuse.’ That means the Creator of the human family will one day call the perpetrators to account. That will not be a good day or  result in a good outcome.

The other need is for an inner experience which can change and dominate the inner twisted sin nature. That requires the One with the authority and skill to perform such a life changing task. The Person appointed to do it, is Jesus Christ. His requirement is that you, individually, place your life in His care. This requires an act of trust.

Jesus, as Lord and Saviour, cleanses and forgives the person and implants a new life’s principle. It is the Grace and knowledge of God. It, is nurtured by reading the Bible and worship. There are many wonderful facets to this new inner principle, one being Love. It is an inner power to love God, love yourself and love others. This is the best and the only long-lasting answer to Racism.

For more details on Creation and the beginning of Humanity and how our different skin colour came to be, Google ‘Answers in Genesis’ [Ken Ham] and/or ‘Creation Research’ [John Mackay].

©Ray Hawkins September 2020

Thursday, September 17, 2020

Come and See

They said to him “Rabbi, where are you staying?” He said to them, “Come and see.” John 1:39

 The four Gospels are required to give us an understanding of the formation of a disciple. We appreciate this as we follow the lives of the first men to check out Jesus and then throw their lives into His service. Similar principles apply today.What caused Andrew and the other disciple to get to investigate Jesus more closely? The words of John the Baptist aroused their interest by the statement ‘Here is the Lamb of God who takes away the sin of the world!’’ The term ‘Lamb of God’ so permeated their upbringing and National psych it drove them to know more about this Jesus. Can you reflect upon some incident, or person, that motivated you to give a more detailed consideration of the Man from Galilee?

 Why did they ask Jesus about his lodgings? Presumably, they had the intent Lamb of God,ion of dropping by one day. Jesus took their inquiry and turned it into an invitation, “Come and see.” He didn’t bombard them with irrefutable proofs about Himself and His ministry. Rather, Jesus gave them ‘breathing space’ to simply get to know Him even though Jesus knew them. This also applies to His dealings with us.

 I wonder what they saw! What did they hear? What did they ask? Whatever took place they wanted more, and they needed to share what they had found. Andrew’s conviction about Jesus is revealed in his comment to Peter, “We have found the Messiah.” That is intriguing. Building on John the Baptist’s words, whatever Andrew asked, or answers Jesus gave, a conviction was born. Over the next three years Andrew and the others would have that statement of faith severely tested. This will be true for you and any others who come to the same conclusion on the evidence presented.

 From a prophetic statement of John a monumental movement began because Jesus simply said “Come and see.” A look down the time tunnel of history sees similar incidents occurring when individuals have an encounter with the Messiah. Such names as Augustine, Francis of Assis1, Martin Luther, John Wesley, C.T. Studd and a myriad of others spring to mind. You will, undoubtedly, have your own list.

As you read the account of the first disciples in John chapter one there is a going intensity in understanding this Jesus. Simon has a major make-over with his name. He will be called Cephas which means a piece of stone. It would be some time before the unstable components of his character were forged into the significance his new name. That is something similar to our experiences. When we meet the Master and yield to Him we are given a new name. However, it will take the daily pressures of life interacting with our faith in Christ for our new name to ring true.

On what was probably the third day Jesus begins to move back to Galilee. Why did Philip respond to Jesus invitation “Follow me?” How did he come to the conviction that Jesus was the fulfilment of what Moses and the Law pointed to?  In sharing it with Nathaniel this conviction aroused what today would be a politically incorrect comment “Can anything good come out of Nazareth?”

 Once again the personal encounter with Jesus and Nathanael illustrated the grace of the Lord. In combining the six individual encounters with Jesus there is a movement of conviction summed up by man under the fig tree. “Rabbi, you are the Son of God! You are the King of Israel!” Easy words! Words Jesus accepted but He knew they would be tested later. For us, when we come and see this Jesus and place our trust in Him, our words will be tested. We can go further than the original six statements whilst agreeing with them. For we believe Jesus is the crucified and risen Saviour of the World, the promised Messiah, Son of God, Lord of Glory. We have bowed by faith before Him and in the words of Thomas called Him “My Lord and My God!” (John 20:28).

 All that began for us, as it did for the disciples because Jesus through His servants says similar words to us, as to the original six “Come and see!”




Monday, September 7, 2020

Wise Words --- Ecclesiastes 12:6-14.

The book of Ecclesiastes is a collection of wise words. Strange then that it opens with ‘Vanity, vanity, all is vanity.’ Stranger still is the fact that as it nears its conclusion the words are repeated. It seems to me that this is actually the end result of ignoring, rejecting or ridiculing God’s wise words. All ages should read this collection of sacred and secular wisdom and know its profit to heart and mind, relationship and motivation.

 The preacher, as he is called, concluded his insights to life and his testimony with incisive words for all, and especially for writers.  ‘The Teacher searched to find just the right words, and what he wrote was upright and true. He likened that which was included within the collection to ‘goads and nails’ Ecclesiastes 12:10-11. Apparently in the days of the Preacher you needed to insert any nails where you wanted them as you built the wall. This was due to the fact that such structures were either too hard or fragile to have nails hammered in.

Be that as it may, when applied to our writing the principle is correct. The penetrating force of our words is woven into the story, not something simply attached later. Whether we write fiction or non-fiction our writings needs to have in them some goads and nails. These are for the Lord to use as He uses our stories to construct His dwelling within a reader’s life. As the reader journeys with us through the story, let us hope and pray something written goads them. A goad is a stick with a sharp point and is used to stick into the rump of the oxen. Such a reaction may well produce a kick-back or quicken the conscience. It can cause an about turn in behaviour (C/- Acts 9:5) an awakening to a greater understanding of our Lord and His call upon their lives. How many of us have read a book and felt the conscience react to something? Great! Your Lord has purpose in mind to goad you out of something or into something. If you feel somewhat reluctant, that’s okay. Think about all God’s reluctant servants whose names and deeds are honoured in Scripture and Church history.

The ‘nails’ are word pictures or illustrations upon which the reader can hang his heart or mind and know it will not give way. It could be something the Holy Spirit puts on it which is a constant irritation until resolved. You know, verses calling on you to worship when you’d rather be surfing, or learn to pray instead of playing with phone games.  Then, when acted upon it becomes a blessing! In the gallery of the mind there will be many ‘nails’ on which pictures, ornaments and other items will be placed. In our writing we should offer the best to be placed in another’s gallery. Some things we may have previously delighted in and had framed have become an embarrassment. The trouble is, they cannot be taken down. What the life changing Lord does with them is graffiti them. The Holy Spirit writes across them with the poured out life of Jesus ‘forgiven. Cleansed. Cancelled.’

 Being bookish type people we know the quote, ‘Of making many books there is no end and much study wearies the body.’ Ecclesiastes 12: 12. Your shelves probably echo “Amen!” However if my understanding is correct this statement is actually a warning. For in the preceding verses he is highlighting the words, proverbs and sayings of the one Shepherd. By my understanding that is a significant term for our Lord. The writer of Ecclesiastes concluded his own insights with a call for the recognition of priorities. There will always be new books and reprints on the market to capture our time, hearts and minds. Just make sure you do not neglect the most important, the most stimulating and the most spiritually enriching book for all time. That is, the book written by the Shepherd through the life experiences of His ‘pens’, the prophets, priests, apostles and faithful servants.

As the preacher is giving instruction to his son there is always ‘and further’ attached. ‘Be admonished’ arouses in the mind a sense of being prodded or disciplined into action. However, the Hebrew word holds within it such concepts as, teach, warn and shine. What the boy’s father is wanting to see is the words of the wise, the masters of the assembly and the one shepherd ‘shine’ into his heart and mind. That holds true for you and me today. What we allow to shine into our heart will teach us, warn us, guide us – or it will corrupt us, lead us astray and produce ignorance. The same applies to what you write. Will the light it shines open the heart and mind reveal the wonder of God’s grace, creation, providence, character?

 His concluding words remain true.

'Fear God, and keep His commandments: for this is the whole duty of man.'

 This isn’t a grovelling attitude of terror but a recognition of God's holiness and power. For Christians, this fear is also a reverence flavoured by gratitude and amazement. By His mercy Jesus is able to deal with those secret things of the heart. What the Lord requires is when His light reveals these dark areas to confess them and hand them over to be dealt with and a new freedom to be experienced.


Ray Hawkins.



Sunday, August 30, 2020

The Word becomes flesh.


God the writer, made Himself known through His creation. Psalm 19:1. The heavens declare the glory of God; and the firmament shows His handiwork. However, whilst they reveal His presence and power we do not meet Him or know what He is like. Our Lord God of Glory had to distance Himself from the descendants of Adam and Eve because Sin came between them. Still our Creator set out to make Himself known and to overturn the barrier. The Scriptures are the record of how He went about doing it.

More than that however, within the pages of our Bibles are ‘word paintings’ and historical encounters which introduce us to the unseen God. Jesus in John 5:39 summed it up so well, “you search the scriptures … and they testify of me.” As our Lord said to Philip “He who has seen me has seen the Father” John 14:9. Most of the New Testament letters give us more and clearer pictures of the unseen God because of the miracle at Bethlehem. The gospel of John puts the Christmas event in most forthright and dramatic manner. ‘In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.’ The Creator was to become the Redeemer. The writer of the plan of salvation was putting flesh upon His words. This was foretold in the psalms and claimed by the writer to the Hebrews to be Jesus. ‘Therefore, when He came into the world, He said: “… a body you have prepared for me.”’ (Hebrews 10:5 and Psalm 40:6-8).

 The Gospels are the account of the one we believe is Emmanuel – God with us.  He became flesh so as to be our Redeemer after being tested in the flesh as we are. The cross was the final act by which the truth of His person would be revealed. Would His righteousness stand the ultimate test? Is Jesus capable of being our sin-bearer and barrier breaker? The empty tomb is His answer. The words “He is risen” are our reply.

However, the Lord has given His followers a mandate. We have to bear testimony to Him and what He has done. There are any number of ways to do this, but as writers we have a great tradition preceding us in bearing testimony to Jesus. John sets the scene for us as he closes his gospel account. ‘These are written that you may believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God, and that believing you may have life in His name.’ (20:31)

As writers, in whatever genre you choose, we have the privilege of mysteriously, subtly, overtly, humorously, in rhyme or parable Etc. presenting Him before the reader. (Think of C.S. Lewis, Tolkien) We are to be similar to the woman in John 4. She was a Samaritan and met Jesus at the village well. It changed her life. In a flurry of excitement see raced back into the village and told the men. Her testimony aroused their interest. They came to check out this wandering Nazarene. After two days on investigation they said to the woman, “Now we believe, not because of what you said, for we ourselves have heard Him and we know that this is indeed the Christ, the Saviour of the World.” (John 4:42)

We have a wonderful privilege to be creators of words on which people can ‘tread’ to meet the Master. What results from their encounter is not in your power to predict. However, as your readers has been reading the way your characters are portrayed there is an identification taking place. Their circumstances, their conflicts of fear, doubt, unbelief and faith with falls and failures perseverance and hope link the readers to the grace of Christ Jesus. It may take more than the two days the men of Samaria needed but when your readers encounter Jesus He has great delight in making Himself known.

Those who put their trust in Jesus will not have many ready answers. However, the words of another man in John 9 is all that is needed, “One thing I know: that though I was blind, now I see.” In a sense, as writers we can be the Lord’s ‘clay’ He puts on the eyes, mind and heart of a person prior to washing away their blindness.



Monday, August 24, 2020

The Engraver. Reading: Job 19:23-27.


When I learnt to write it was on a slate board with chalk. Today people have computers – with spell checks. At least I was one step ahead of those in ancient time who had to write. They 

virtually had to collect the ingredients, clay, then cut into it their words – hieroglyphics – then baked their tablet before posting it.

 It is from that background of the writer being initially an engraver we can appreciate certain facets of God’s word. A lot of our writing technology today is subject to decay at a faster rate than clay baked. Shards with inscriptions are still be found two thousand and more years later.

 It is worthwhile to note that God is the original engraver. The 10 Commandments were chiselled into rock by the finger of God, Exodus 31:18. The originals were placed in the Ark of the Covenant as a testimony to the Nation. The trouble was that the people honoured the writings but were deaf to its message. There were, of course, notable exceptions who stand out in Biblical history. As the Lord wanted His people to know His commands, judgements and statutes He had the people wear them as a sign upon their hands and between their eyes. The New Testament described them as phylacteries. Householders were instructed to have the commandments on their doorposts and gates. In my youth I called upon people whose house had these words printed on their veranda.

The trouble was it was all outward, not inward.

God’s intention is for His people, you and me included, to have them engraved on our hearts. This is another of the implications behind the picture of God as the potter. If we are the clay, and we need to be, guess what He wants to do? Engrave His word into our heart. Hebrews 10:16 quotes Jeremiah who in turn expressed the Lord God’s intention to write His laws into the hearts of His people. The wonder of this is summed up by the Psalmist “Your word have I hidden in my heart that I might not sin against you.’ (119:11) As with clay we too must experience the baking process. For us it comes when what we hear from God’s word is written within the fire of doubt, fear, opposition and self-interest arises. It is the testimony of our faith and conviction that God’s word is true which causes the flames into toughen and preserve God’s word within.

 Psalm 119 is a wonderful psalm about the Word of God and its relevance to everyday life. As it is engraved on our heart so it will influence us consciously and unconsciously as 119:105 ‘ Your word is a lamp to my feet and a light to my path.’ It is worth the time to read the whole psalm for it seems to cover the writer’s journey from youth to Age, from sickness and opposition to praise and wonder.

 Job’s words in chapter 19:23-24 is a cry for people to properly understand his situation and hope in God. His story is unique but his cry is a challenge to us all. We have a unique testimony, simple or complex, everyday stuff or strange which the Lord could use to witness to His power, grace and providence. If for no other reason have a record of His dealings in your life to hand onto your family and friends in the future. In a sense let the Lord’s engraving within you find expression on paper or disc for others to know.

 Notice also the hope, confidence and longing of Job 19:25—29. He knows his Redeemer lives. – How sure are you of your relationship with the risen Christ? Job believes his Redeemer will set up His kingdom on earth. This is our position from the Lord’s Prayer. Job knows he will die yet is convinced he will live beyond death and behold His Redeemer. This is the wonder of our relationship too. We shall see Jesus face to face even though death may stand between us at the moment. Job had a desire which would see him through the tough times ahead. His heart yearns to be with his Redeemer. This is a hallmark of Christ’s followers too. I want to know Him! I want to serve Him! I want others to hear about Him! Most of all I want to see Him!

 Until that day we are to live out what He has engraved within. Until that day we are to us our writing skills so the Lord can become the Potter of another’s life whose heart becomes clay. Then when the ‘Finger of God’ engraves His word onto their heart they will declare “I know my Redeemer lives!”

 Ray H.


