victory cry that still resounds throughout Creation.
“it is finished!” The
warfare between The Kingdom of God and the Kingdom of Satan for the eternal
destiny of each individual.
“it is
finished!” The icy
grip of Death and Its despair has been broken.
Those three words were uttered
by Jesus from the cross of Calvary. What appeared as an execution by
authorities with undiluted malice towards Jesus, had far deeper implications. Jesus
had come with a mission to fulfil. It was not a single issue to be fought over,
but many facets with eternal consequences.
We major on what those words
mean for us, such as forgiveness, reconciliation, and hope. However, my mind
cannot grasp the breadth of Christ’s victory and its implications. Have you
ever sat down [you need to, for it will take time] and considered what “it is
finished!” embraces?
The promises inherent within
the Jewish Temple sacrificial system have been fulfilled. Jesus is the Passover
Lamb. He has paid Sin’s price. He has stripped Death of its haunting power and
binding fear. As 'the Lamb of God’ He crushed the Serpent called Satan. Where
did this take place? In the darkness which enveloped the world that 3pm of the
crucifixion day.
Daniel predicted that on the
69th week of a 70 week of years from a specific date in the time of Nehemiah
the Messiah would be cut off. That is, suffer death. This has been calculated
to be the time when Jesus was crucified. “it is finished!” What
Daniel 9:24-26 detailed has been completed.
Isaiah 53 predicted there
would be One called to be The Suffering Servant who would take Judgement upon
Himself as a substitute for Israel. The Gospels and New Testament confirm this
promised person as Jesus. “it is finished!” is His testimony from
In writing to the Christians
at Colossae, the apostle Paul highlighted what Jesus secured for we Gentiles.
In the letter to the Colossians in 2:10-15 is a ‘breathtaking’ explanation of “it is
finished!” Christ has made us alive to God, we who had been dead to
Him before. The charges listed against us had been paid for and wiped off our
record. It was as though above the crucified Jesus was the charges listed,
nailed and Christ’s blood declaring, ‘paid in full!’
What the cry “it is
finished!” also points to is ‘Now This Will Happen!’ What is involved in ‘This?’ We can be
pardoned. We have a new destiny. We have a new song of faith, hope and love. We
have a new relationship with Jesus and a new mission from Him. There is also
the prophecies concerning the land and people of Israel, the return of Jesus to
judge and reign and the rapture of the church. They are some of what are ahead
for the inhabitants of earth and the Lord calls you to believe Him and be
Copyright Ray H. October 2020.
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