Who wrote such confronting words? He must have been told
about the event, not being present at the beginning. I’d suggest it was Adam
who kept the record from his conversations with God. As we will discover Adam
was no grunting, evolving ape. He was created fully endowed with physical,
mental and spiritual capabilities beyond our comprehension. To get some idea of this man you need to see
him through the lens, as it were, of the 2nd Adam as Jesus is called.
Ultimately it would be Moses who compiled the account with other sources to
give to us the first five books of Scripture.
The word for ‘beginning’ also is translated as ‘first, chief
and first-fruit.’ Would I be off beam to say God is here establishing a
principle He would require from His people? They were expected to bring of the
first-fruits of their crop and herds as a gift to Him. In the opening verse of
the Bible the Lord God prepared a magnificent first fruit gift of His creative
act for Adam and future generations. The heavens not only declare the Lord’s
glory, they express His generosity.
By stating the universe and everything it in had a beginning
points to the Lord as being before it. Within the pages of Scripture we come
across one of His titles, Alpha and Omega. Revelation 1:8: ‘I am the Alpha and
the Omega’ says the Lord God, who is, and who was, and who is to come, the
Almighty.’ In the Greek alphabet Alpha is the beginning and Omega is the end. Again
we are confronted by a principle. The Lord claims the right by His very being
as well as by His creation of Humankind to be their and our, Alpha. Only then can
we be assured He will be our Omega when our life comes to its full stop. We
need to heed Isaiah 45:21-22: ‘There is no God apart from me, a righteous God
and a Saviour; there is none like me. Turn to me and be saved, all you ends of
the earth; for I am God, and there is no other.’
If you or I take the accounts of
Genesis as beautiful fiction, fantasy or fable we will succumb to a mishmash of
theories. These will weaken our foundation for faith and cause malnutrition of
the spirit. Genesis is fact, plain and simple it may be, but fact it remains.
You will never need to apologise for your faith because God’s word is eternally
true and not subject to ever recurring changes to so called scientific
In the beginning, God!
He is
pre-eminent in creation.
Is He in my life?
Therefore I resolve to make it my business to build my life on the
foundation of God being my Alpha and Omega.
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