Chance has no capacity for introducing itself. On the other
hand the Lord God of the Bible reveals Himself, what He has done, and how.
This is the exciting discovery you make from the opening verse of Genesis. In
our English translation of the names for God we have been robbed of their
meaning and the significance of when and why used. This is a shame.
‘God’ in Genesis 1:1 is Elohim. This is the plural form of
El, God. Straight away we are introduced to another mystery embracing God. For
whenever the term is used it is with a verb in the singular. So? So! We are
confronted with an understanding of the Eternal God which stretches our heart
and mind without fully comprehending its significance! Genesis 1:26: ‘Then God
said, “Let us make man I. our image, in our likeness…”’ (Emphasis added). In Isaiah 6 a similar thing
takes place. “Then I (Isaiah) heard the voice of the Lord saying, “Whom shall I
send? And who will go for us?”’ Other verses could be searched out. However the
most defining one is from Jesus in Matthew 28:19: ‘Therefore go and make
disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.’
(Emphasis added.)
Deuteronomy 6:4 is termed by the
Jewish people, ‘the Shema.’ It comes from the word, ‘hear!’ In this declaration
are two names for God. There is ‘Elohim’ referring to His work in creation and
there is ‘Jehovah (also translated Yahweh). We will consider Jehovah’s name
later. It is His personal name. We could quite correctly translate the verse,
“The Jehovah, our Elohim, the Jehovah is one.’ The mystery of the Godhead will
never be explained. Christians do not worship three gods but one. Part of the
reason for the coming of our Lord and Saviour to earth was so that we might
focus on Him and His work. When we do that we honour the Father and the Spirit. He is Heaven's focal point, majoring in
His work on the cross and his resurrection. Claiming Jesus as our Saviour and brings us into a wonderful yet hard to define relationship. The Eternal God,
Father, Son, Holy Spirit. abides within. 1 John 2:23b.3:24. This is why the apostle Paul
defines Christians as being the ‘temple of God'
When we try to understand what God looks like we are often
befuddled by artistic impressions from caricatures to master painters. I think
this is one reason why Jesus never allowed any likeness of Himself to be
created. In John 4:24 Jesus tells us that God is Spirit. John 10:30: ‘I and the
Father are one.’ This is not referring to purpose but to essence. Again the
description of Genesis 1:1 comes to the fore. The apostle Philip couldn’t get
his mind around the saying of Jesus in John 14:6: ‘I am the way and the truth
and the life. No one comes to the Father except though me.’ Philip said, show
us the Father. Jesus reply? You see me and you have an understanding of the
Father. This cannot be a physical likeness. Rather it pushed Philip and so too
us, to understand God in the character and actions of the One with the title,
‘Emmanuel,’ God with us.
The significance of the number '3' arises from its use throughout the Bible in unique but expressive expressions of God. Check it out through the following scriptures: Isaiah 6:3. Numbers 6:24-26 Daniel 9:19. Matthew 28:19 [and others]..
God is the greatest of mysteries. But He wants to make Himself known to us. This is the purpose of the Bible.
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