Last week
we considered ‘was Jesus a moron?’ Today’s blog asks the question ‘How weak was
Jesus to allow Himself to be crucified?’ I have tried to express it in the
following poem.
My God is weak, so very, very weak!He didn’t break away from the soldiers
Who placed the cross upon His shoulders.
My God wore their spittle and their taunts.
He must be weak to let them do such things!
My God is weak, so very, very weak!
He never fought when He was whipped.
Never threatened when He was stripped!
He stumbled, fell and the crowd laughed.
He must be weak to let them do such things!
My God is weak, so very, very weak!
No miracle to stop hammer, nail and spear,
No anger to those who screamed and sneered.
Thirsty, thorn crowned, in pain He died.
He must be weak to let them do such things!
My God is weak, so very, very weak!
I’m overwhelmed by His total weakness
When He put aside His awesome greatness
To bear my shame, judgement and death!
Can He be weak to undertake such things?
My God is weak, so very, very weak!
Lifeless, entombed, salvation’s hope dim,
Could He in weakness overcome sin?
The empty tomb declares He ‘did’ win!
Can He be weak to conquer such things?
My God is weak, so very, very weak!
Yet in His weakness I find forgiveness
In His weakness I can enjoy newness.
My God’s weakness is
true love’s greatness.
Can He be weak to achieve us such things?
My God is weak, so very, very weak!
His weakness is my celebration.
His suffering is my Salvation'
His victory is my jubilation!
Can He be weak to be
all those things!
My God was ‘weak,’
For me and you
And I love Him for it!
Do you?
From my
devotional ‘Captured by Calvary’ ©Ray Hawkins. Available from Christian
bookshops and as an Ebook.
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