118:24. ‘This is the day which the Lord has made; we will rejoice and be glad
in it.’ What was this day alluding to? We could in all honesty say “Christmas”
but in this case we would be wrong. However, without the Bethlehem birth event
God’s special day could not have happened – at least the way it did. Before we
have a quick look at ‘this day’ we will take the time to consider the fact of
other special God days.
The precise
day and date are not recorded for our benefit, I believe. The fact is! The Son
of God came into this world on the day the Lord had made. Paul refers to it as
‘in the fullness of time.’ Galatians 4:4. It was the culmination of various
prophecies such as Isaiah concerning the virgin (Isaiah 7:14 and Micah
revealing the town of Bethlehem (Micah5:2).
specially marked day is called ‘The Day of the Lord.’ In fact, this term can
apply to a number of different days but all are associated with wrath and judgement.
The prophet Joel in his short book stresses these days. ‘The great and terrible
day of the Lord [has] come.’ Joel 2:31. What would be needed in a place of
safety! We are unable to build it, therefore, God must become the master
builder Himself. God told Noah to build an ark as a safe place to ride out the
promised world-wide flood. That’s grace preceding judgement. So too, the Lord
provides a safe place from the great and final day of holy justice.
That is
the day the Lord made according to Psalm 118. In fact that day had a lot of
preliminary preparation so it could be recognised. Its shadow is in the Jewish
Passover and also expressed in their daily sacrifices. Isaiah 53 gives it a
more frightening dimension as it involves ‘the Servant’ taking upon Himself the
role of the Passover lamb. When did that day take place? When Jesus was
crucified at Calvary. I find it interesting and quite emotional at times to
know Jesus read this psalm in the upper room.
In Acts 2
Peter’s sermon about the cross and the risen Lord explains ‘this day.’ To
anyone looking at the arrest and crucifixion it would appear earthly
authorities were in control. Peter, in effect says what they did was used by
God the Father to achieve His plans through the life and death of His Son. It
was ‘the Day the Lord had made!’ Just as was the very day of Peter’s message on
the day of Pentecost (Feast of Weeks). Because Jesus had conquered death, one
of the purposes behind Christmas, it was possible for the Holy Spirit to come
to us.

When you
do that – or whenever you did it – You actually allow God to make another day.
This time it is all about your day with God. You are able to say, on the
assurance of God’s promise ‘This is the day the Lord has made and I will
rejoice and be glad in it!”
Hawkins Dec 28 2015.
Thank you so much. I love the biblical message in it.
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