Later, it
occurred to me, in God’s sight we are stones and pebbles, not outwardly
attractive or appealing. However, beneath the outward appearance, our all
seeing God beholds our uniqueness, our beauty and our latent power to honour
Him. Our Lord went to a lot of time and effort to ‘collect us’ from the quarries
of this world Galatians 1:4. 1 John 5:19). It cost Him a pierced side, nailed
hands, feet and dagger like thorns biting into His brow. The owners of the
‘quarry’ must have thought Jesus mad to pay such a price for such common,
rather grubby and rugged stones. Especially when those stones ultimately cost
Jesus His life to secure them. How the world and the Devil with his demons must
have laughed.
smile was wiped from their faces when Christ Jesus rose from the furnace of
sin’s judgement and the icy cold grip of death. Then, He began collecting His
stones, pebbles and rocks, that is, you and me! The ‘quarry owners’ tried to
stop Jesus, through His servants, preaching the Gospel of grace to the ‘quarries
and salvaging their rubble.’ When you and I were collected by Christ through
such servants I wonder how many who enjoyed the ‘quarry’ questioned the Lord’s
I’ve had
the privilege over fifty years of ministry seeing the delightful things God
does with those He reclaims. He is the God
who loves lapidary. As Ephesians
2:10 says, we are His workmanship. This means He takes you and me as encrusted
stones and through the moral and spiritual equivalents, cuts, polishes and
engraves our lives. The purpose is to release the treasure He saw within so
that it will glorify Him and bless us eternally. The word best used to describe
such a process is discipline. ‘Discipline always seems painful rather than
pleasant at the time, but later it yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness
to those who have been trained by it.’ (Hebrews 12:11
We often
use the term ‘he’s a rough diamond God is polishing’ as though we are all such
a gem. We are not all diamonds. We are all gems of some type or other, each
with our own unique pattern, texture, beauty. I visited a mining museum at
Zeehan in Tasmania and stood astounded at their rock collection. There, before
my eyes, were ordinary stones with the most amazing patterns and colours.
Lights were strategically placed so as to draw out what would otherwise never
be seen.
Jesus, expresses His role of lapidary in our lives, so that others might see
His treasure unlocked. He is the Light of our life and as He cuts and polishes
(sanctifies and ministers to us by His word and Spirit) we become His stone of
glory. Paul writing to Titus used the term ‘ornament to the doctrine of God our
Saviour.’ We become, or should become, men and women who attract people to what
the Lord has done in and revealed though us. This isn’t for us to boast but to
testify to the redeeming, liberating wonder of Christ’s power in redeeming us.
It is imperative for us to ensure that His light within isn’t dimmed by self –
obsession, disobedience or switched off by Satan’s cunning.
about the engraving feature of lapidary? In the Old Testament the High Priest
wore a breastplate with 12 precious stones. On each one was a name of one of
the twelve tribes. He always bore them on his heart when he approached God.
When our Lord claimed us for His own treasure He also became our High Priest.
By implication we are also borne into the presence of the Father on the heart
of our Lord.
May we be
encouraged through the Scriptures to handle the rough and tumble of life with a
positive outlook! For God isn’t mindless in His treatment of us. He is
endeavouring to reveal His glory in you and me. He is using you and me to
attract people to the power of the cross. He is drawing out of us the hidden
beauty when the Light of Jesus Christ glows though us. Therefore, from a
grateful heart let us, as God’s collection of ‘stones and pebbles’, praise Him for
His spiritual and moral lapidary in polishing our lives!
The most powerful army of the time
ReplyDeletecame in, picked up the pieces that the last great empire left, placed its own leaders in power, and
imposed its way of life on a land once promised to God’s chosen people, the Christian translation.
Christian translation
spanish translator
Thanks Asadul for your comments, much appreciated. I'm not quite sure of the context of your remarks nor have I come across the 'Christian Translation.' However, can I run with your comment about 'the land (Israel) once promised to God's chosen people.' God hasn't withdrawn that promise or offer. It will be fully theirs at the time of God's choosing and the Nation's recognising of their Messiah. Ezekiel 34-39, Zephaniah 3 and Joel 3 Zechariah 14 plus others all point to the promise being fulfilled.
ReplyDeleteThanks again for your comments. Hope you stay in touch.