“Did you hear
that? He has confessed to saying he is God. He has blasphemed. He is guilty of
death!” The rest of the Sanhedrin agreed. Jesus had condemned himself. What
brought this about? He was put under oath as to whether or not he was the Christ,
the Son of the Living God. In Matthew
26:64 came his reply “Yes, it is as you say. But I say to all of you: In the
future you will see the Son of Man sitting at the right hand of the Mighty One
and coming on the clouds of heaven.”
This was a quote from Daniel 7:13.
Why then do
untold millions worship Him? Why do others fear and fight against Him? It is a
waste of time if He is dead. It is obscene if the criminal charges of blasphemy
under Jewish law and insurrection in Roman law are valid. What caused this
catastrophic upheaval and the cancellation of the verdict? The resurrection
from the dead on the third day! This was foretold by Jesus Himself using the
illustration of Jonah. It is also underscored in Isaiah 53:11–12.
The authorities
had him in their grip. This Jesus had beaten them in debates, spoken harshly
against their abuse of power and charmed the people with parables and miracles.
This man some of them must have known or known about since childhood caused
them nothing but trouble. He claimed he and the Father were one (John 10:30)
and to see him was to see the invisible Father (John 14:9). How outrageous. Now
he must die. And he did on the cross
under Roman supervision.

We look upon the
resurrection as securing our salvation. True! However it goes way, way beyond
that. It is the seal of validation to who Jesus is, what He has achieved and
the endorsement of the truth of Scripture. No other record could express this
so succinctly and powerfully as the few words of Thomas in the upper room a week
after the resurrection. Thomas the doubter wasn’t present the previous week and
said he would not believe until he saw and touched the nail and spear prints in
Jesus body. When Jesus came to him this disciple cried out: “My Lord and My
God!” (John 20:28)
Two thousand
years later these words still resonate with awe. However, we may miss a mind
shattering concept for this Jewish man, as well as the other Jewish followers.
To call Jesus not only the Christ (Messiah) but ‘Lord and God’ would have
challenged his creed. ‘Hear O Israel: the Lord our God, the Lord is one.’
(Deuteronomy 6:4). Jesus didn’t rebuke him or deny it. Now this presents us
with a dilemma. Can this be true? Is it in harmony with the thirty-nine books
Thomas believed in? What does this mean for understanding the very nature of
The Christian
Faith holds to and bears witness to the Triune nature of God. To our
understanding God is, Father, Son (Word) and Holy Spirit, one God, three
personalities. In Genesis 1:26 we get our first glimpse of God. ‘Then God said,
“Let us make man in our image, in our likeness, and let them rule over the fish
of the sea and the birds of the air, over the livestock, over all the earth,
and over all the creatures that move along the ground.”’
Elohim is the descriptive
word for God used in the Genesis verses. This term for God is plural in form.
It is expressing plurality in unity and is a feature of the Bible’s
understanding of the greatest of great mysteries, God Himself. For when Elohim
is used in relation to God it is always accompanied by verbs and adjectives in
the singular. In Genesis 1:1 ‘In the beginning Elohim created’, the verb
‘create’ is singular. In Deuteronomy 32:39, “See now that I myself am He! There
is no god (Elohim) besides me.” Also read Isaiah 45:5, 22-23 and elsewhere.
Yahweh or
Jehovah is the covenant name for God to Adam, Abraham and Israel. The quote
from Deuteronomy 6:4 is their creedal statement. It could be translated ‘The
Yahweh, our Elohim (plural), the Yahweh is One.’ We get a sense of that in
Isaiah 6:3 when we hear the Seraphs singing to God “Holy, Holy, Holy”. In
Revelation 4:8 the similar refrain is repeated. Does this help you to
understand the cry of Jesus on the cross when He said “My God, my God, why have
you forsaken me”? There on the cross was the one called Emmanuel, God with us. For
the first and last time in eternity and time God the Son was cut adrift from
God the Father and God the Holy Spirit. Christ’s cry expresses the unfathomable
cost the Godhead was prepared to pay to redeem you and me. Finally when
commissioning the apostles and others to worldwide evangelism Jesus told them
to baptise believers into the Name (singular) of the Father, Son and Holy
If we are honest
with ourselves and our theology trying to grasp the concept of the Godhead
(Colossians 2:9 KJV) leaves us gasping. This is why, I believe, the Bible
directs our attention to Jesus, the Christ, the Son of God. He is
understandable. We can relate to Him. Our Lord also stressed the point that
‘When a man believes in me, he does not believe in me only, but in the one who
sent me. When he looks at me, he sees the one who sent me.” (John 12:44). When
we claim Jesus as our Christ (Messiah) and Saviour He promised to come and
dwell within our being. Surely a wonderful yet mysterious gift of grace. Too
few realise an awesome fact mentioned by the apostle John. 1 John 2:23–24
‘whoever acknowledges the Son has the Father also. See that what you have heard
from the beginning remains in you. If it does, you also will remain in the Son
and in the Father.’ And do not forget that you are called the temple of the
Holy Spirit. Therefore, in the most awesome result of the cross and
resurrection when Jesus becomes our Lord and Saviour the Triune God transforms
our lives. We are no longer slums of sin. We become the temples of the Living
Triune God. Praise His Name!
Below are a
small selection of references to show you how the God of the Old Testament
revealed Himself in Jesus of the Gospels and the other 23 books. This isn’t
exhaustive. Do your own cross referencing. Then you will stand with Thomas and
recite his words to Jesus “my Lord and my God.”
Yahweh Title Jesus
Exodus 3:14 I AM John
8:58. 18:5-6
40:28. 60:2 Creator John
1:3. Colossians 1:16
45:22. 43:11 Saviour John
4:42. Titus 1:3-4.
Isaiah 60:19-20 Light John 8:12
Psalm 23:1 Shepherd
John 10:11
Isaiah 41:4 First
& Last Revelation
Hosea 13:14 Redeemer 1 Corinthians 10:4
Isaiah 45:23 Lord Philippians
Psalm 35:23 My Lord
& my God John 20:28
Joel 2:32 The
Name of the Lord Romans
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