How did this man, unnamed, become spiritually hard, barren and ‘deadly?’ He would not have set out to become what we read about him. The paralysis of the spirit must have been insidious, slow and poisonous. His call to serve Yahweh was during the reign of Solomon. When that king died the nation was divided into the North and South kingdoms. Jeroboam established two rival religious and political centres. Their aim was to seduce his supporting tribes from going to Jerusalem in accordance with the Law. It worked! It was idolatrous but it worked. Did the old prophet speak up for Yahweh’s law and worship? Did he denounce such treason? Did he lose heart because no one seemed to listen? Did he think that silence was safety? What forces were in play to keep him in Bethel which no longer meant the house of God? His subsequent behaviour revealed the hardening power of compromise and indifference to the Word of God!
We live in a multi–cultural and litigious society. As such it’s hostile to the moral and spiritual doctrines of Scripture. The safety of silence can become a wonderful hideout. Whilst our Lord did call us to be wise as serpents and harmless as doves He didn’t ask us to be mute. Nor does He expect us to back pedal on what His word declares. Ministry has to be gracious, not necessarily popular.
We are repeatedly told in Scripture not to be false witnesses. The Old Prophet was this in two ways at least. He was false to his calling and false in what he said to the young man of God. This unnamed man of God knew his mission and carried it out. He was on his way home in accordance with the Lord’s word for he had been instructed not to hang around or to fraternise. Then along comes this senior prophet and deceives him saying God had told him to have this young man home for a meal. Was the young man’s acceptance due to respect for the aged prophet? Did the young prophet imagine God had changed His mind? Surely he would never have suspected that another man of the prophetic class would deliberately lie.
Why would this fossilized prophet want to have the young man come home for ‘supper’? Was it nostalgia? Was it seeking to impress? Whatever it was he became an instrument of death to an unsuspecting young man. One of the saddest aspects of this matter is how the ‘fossilized prophet’ is portrayed. He showed no remorse, no conscience nor repentance over what he did or what happened to the young ‘man of God’. The young man was led astray by someone who should have been a mentor but turned out to be a traitor.
Within churches today such characters move with cunning, deceit and apparent immunity. These faithless and compromising ministers and priests have lost touch with the Lord Jesus and His word. Sad to say they cause spiritual and ministerial death to many bright and faithful men and women of God. Society views the behaviour and its devastating impact and curses God and rejects His scriptures and grace.
Another question seeks an answer. How were the Fossilized Prophet’s family affected by his betrayal of the Law’s doctrine and duty? Would they have had any interest in the things of Yahweh? If they bothered to go to any form of worship how genuine could it have been? To cap it all, would his treatment of the ‘man of God’ be a stumbling block too high for them to climb? Did he care? There is such a high price to pay with wide ranging consequences when a man or woman betrays God, scripture and God’s sacred calling.
Such ‘fossilized’ fools will be called to account before the judgement seat of God one day. They might expect favourable and merciful treatment from a sentimental God. How wrong they are. God will be just but also true to His holy character and render to them as their deeds deserve. Fossils may hold pride of place in museums, but in Heaven they have no place. We should always heed the description of our Lord in Hebrews 12:29. He is a consuming fire. Unless we are true to Him and know Jesus as our Lord and Saviour we will not escape condemnation and rejection.
Don’t be a fool or try and play God as if He is one. Be true to Christ Jesus and you will find Him eternally true to you. Now that is the wise thing to do!
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