1:26. Begins the mystery when it says ‘Let us make man in our image. He wasn’t
talking to the angels, for they are created beings. One of the loveliest clues
about God is the threefold expression used to in Numbers 6:24-26. ‘The Lord
bless you and keep you; the Lord make his face to shine upon you, and be
gracious to you; the Lord lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.
Is the term, ‘Lord’ referring to one or to three? The same can be said about Isaiah 6:3 where
the threefold praise of the Seraphim is recorded. “Holy, Holy, Holy is the Lord
God of Hosts!
solves the mystery – a little –in Matthew 28:19-20. There, Jesus instructs His
apostles to baptize in ‘the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy
Spirit’. This is why the Christian Faith has its own threefold benediction. 2
Corinthians 13:14 “The grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, the love of God and the
communion of the Holy Spirit be with you all. Now, go back to Numbers 6:24-26
and after each mention of ‘Lord’ insert Father, then Son, then Holy Spirit. And
recall what Jesus said about ‘The Name!’ The Biblical teaching on ‘The Name’ is
one of vital importance, often lost on the Gentile mind. Many see it as simply
a name. The Bible sees it as representing the very essence of God. We cannot be
baptized into the name of the Cedar tree for it cannot possess us. But when we
are immersed into The Name we are placed in the very nature, the very essence,
the very person of God.
There is
much more to be said on this insight into the mystery of mystery, God Himself. On
the tail of this article will be some references you might like to consider to
grasp a deeper understanding.
closing, let’s look at 1 Kings 18. There is the record of Elijah’s contest with
the priests of Baal. This took place on Mount Carmel. The God who answered by
fire was to be recognized as the true God. The priests failed. When it was
Elijah’s time he rebuilt the altar of Yahweh. Slaughtered the animal then
drenched it with four (4) large jars of water, three times. Four (4) is
significant. It speaks of the earth, weakness and God’s power. Remember what
God chooses from 1 Corinthians 1:27, the weak things of this earth to confound
the mighty. The water was poured out three times over the offering. Then the
fire fell. Again, the Triune God was involved, represented by the thrice
applicant of the water.
this could help in the understanding of Christ’s cry from the cross “My God, My
God, why have you forsaken me. For the first and last time in Eternity past and
future the Godhead, the Three in One, had been sundered. This was the awful
reality that confronted Jesus in Gethsemane.
much more should be said, could be said on this awesome mystery. You can pursue
it through a study of the Biblical verse below.
136:1-3. Daniel 9:19. Revelation4:8. We talk about being indwelt by the Holy
Spirit – He is our seal. Ephesians 1:13. We believe that Jesus abides in our Spirit
Colossians 1:27. Do you understand that the Father’s presence is also within? 1
John 2:23. God isn’t divided.
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