From a
line-up of potential challengers to the Lord Jesus who would you choose as #1?
Lucifer, Fame, Power, Sex and Money all are strong claimants. However, Jesus
named just one of them as His greatest threat for the allegiance of
Matthew 6:24 it is revealed as ‘Wealth’ (NRSV)! ‘No one can serve two masters;
for a slave will either hate the one and love the other, or be devoted to the
one and despise the other. You cannot
serve God and wealth.’
words leave no wriggle room. History, Scripture and today’s media highlight the
power, attraction and destructive power Mammon has over individuals, religious
groups and corporations. When Mammon is life’s focal point it turns into a
spiritual python whose embrace squeezes a person’s moral and life to death. As
the Lord put it, Mammon will cause its devotee to despise God which takes him
or her into hating God and His word. Jesus
also rankled the Pharisees with straight talking and parables about money Luke
12:13-21. 16:1-14. The first conflict in the fledgling church was due to Mammon’s
embrace. Ananias and Sapphira tried to prove Christ’s words an empty threat and
they became a tombstone testimony that what Jesus said is true (Acts5)!
advice to Timothy which was to be passed onto those financially well off contained
a warning and a challenge. 1 Timothy 6:10 is an unchanging truth ‘The love of
money is a root of all kinds of evil, and in their eagerness to be rich some
have wandered away from the faith and pierced themselves with many pains.’ The
word for ‘eagerness’ is a picture of a person grasping after more and more of
Mammon even though it is destroying health, family, friendships and faith. Prosperity
preachers are breeding ‘pythons’ in their own lives and those who accept their
teaching. The result is a wandering away and pierced with many pains!
There is
a control mechanism presented in Scripture by which the Spirit of God uses to
protect the life of a devoted disciple. 1 Timothy 6:17-19 uses such words as
‘set your hopes on God’, ‘Do good, [be] generous and ready to share’. The end
result is ‘the treasure of a good foundation for the future, so that they may
take hold of life that really is life.’ I wonder if Paul was motivated to
expand on what he had said in Acts 20:35 to the Ephesian elders, ‘The Lord
Jesus…said “It is more blessed to give than to receive.”’
sorrow seen Mammon power dictating life’s priorities, relationships and
friendships is deep and lasting. Friends cut asunder when a lottery is won but
not shared. Testimonies shatters and churches wrecked because the collection
was siphoned. How many relationships destroyed in bitter battles over dispersal
of money from a deceased estate! The list can go on and on. Those countries
whose leaders amass large amounts of money whilst their people starve and beg
for help. Such leaders and others need to think on Matthew 16:26: ‘What will it profit them if they gain the
whole world but forfeit their life? Or what will they give in return for their
life?’ An eternity of regret awaits. What is the good of having the largest
bank balance when you are under a tombstone?

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