We meet
Tychicus and others after the riot in Ephesus. This was over Demetrius’
accusation that Artemis’ name was defamed. We will catch up with another team
member involved later. Paul decided it was opportune to go to Macedonia and sent
an advance party to make the arrangements. Part of Paul’s reason for this
return trip which took him to Jerusalem was to bring relief money from the
Gentile Churches to the believers in Judea. Tychicus would have been one of
those entrusted with guarding and delivering this substantial gift of the
brethren for their famine relief.
In four
letters this man is revealed as someone who was dependable. The success of any
venture is due in a big way to such people. We can plan, pray and perform but
without a faithful and reliable team things can fail to reach their potential.
In Eph. 6:21 Paul describes him as a deacon. This is a term for a drinks waiter
but elevated by the fact that Jesus wore that title (Rom 15:8). Read the
qualifications for being appointed a deacon in 1 Tim 3 and you get a measure of
the man. In Col. 4:7. A lovely warm term of beloved brother (in Christ) is used
alongside of a word despised by the World, doulos (a slave without rights). The
Christian faith turns the estimates of the World upside down. It is a mark of
honour to be a doulos of and for Christ.
again we read of Tychicus on the move. This time to Ephesus with a rather
delicate responsibility (Colossians 4:7-9.) He was to accompany a runaway slave
of Philemon’s, an influential church and community member. Onesimus had been
converted in Rome under Paul’s ministry and was returning to put things right.
(See next devotional). What was required was a man of tact and wisdom to
prepare the way for the runaway’s restoration and acceptance. You and I may be
called upon to represent someone someday who had similar failures, morally,
spiritually but had been found by Christ and transformed.
apostle Paul experienced two imprisonments in Rome. In the first he wrote the
above letters and 1 Timothy and Titus. In this letter Tychicus is once again
facing the prospect of an assignment to Crete. He would replace Titus who was
being recalled to discuss things with Paul. What does that tell us about our
man under consideration? He was rather multi-skilled to say the least, and
dependable. The final mention of this man is in a letter from Paul’s second
imprisonment. This would culminate in his death under Nero. Tychicus was on the
move again, this time to Ephesus. It is
there we have to leave him.
man’s name means ‘Fortunate.’ How appropriate. He was fortunate to know and
serve Christ. Fortunate to be a reliable team member. Fortunate to take risks
to help others. He becomes an example for each of us as team members here at
camp. May it be said by each of us “it has been our good fortune to serve with
Acts 20:4. Eph. 6:21. Col. 4:7. 2Tim. 4:12. Titus 3:12
Ray Hawkins 11.9.2016.
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