We cry
out for Freedom of speech yet have we asked what type of speech? Do we have the
right to tell deliberate lies aimed at vilifying, harming or destroying
someone? Do we have then the Freedom to take unilateral action in revenge even
to the extent of murder? Does Freedom have boundaries and if so who decides
what they are?
Christian Faith has its teachings on Freedom and it covers numerous facets of
life. On the matter of speech it places some boundaries. Christians are
instructed to speak the truth and to do it in a special manner. That is in an
attitude of love. That isn’t a sentimental sugary type of language. Rather, love
is words spoken softly or strongly with a desire that the recipient of the
words be helped rather than crushed.
Speech ultimately
will flow from lips whose minds are dominated by one of two forces. Will it be
Truth or will it be Lies? This then creates a problem for those who believe
there is no such thing as absolute Truth. For them there can be no such thing
as a lie. What wins out in a contest between people or ideologies? More than
likely it will be some type of muscle power. Are we not witnessing this at the
moment from supporters of terror? We may call them ignorant, cruel, depraved,
and other terms but they justify the lie of their words with actions of brutal
force. Their reaction to what they don’t like, or agree with, whether
expressed by satire or statement, is to destroy. That applies to the source as
well as the content.
of speech and expression is important within any society. This is extremely
true to those who seek justice over injustices, revealing corruption and
criminal activities, and exposing error as well as terror. We should esteem
those who have risked their lives, reputation and careers to reveal the deeds
of men done in the darkness of deceit or depravity. Such Freedom must be
safeguarded. At the same time it must be held within the bounds of Truth.

Matthew 12:33-37 is a statement by Jesus on an aspect most don’t take into
account. Each of us must give an account to Him on how we have used our words.
Not so much what was said, though that is under review, but the condition of
the heart that was verbalised.
of speech and expression as well as people’s reaction to it actually uncovers
the inner morality and spirituality of a person. May Proverbs 8:6–7 be our
heartbeat: ‘ will speak noble things, and from my lips will come what is right;
for my mouth will utter truth; wickedness is an abomination to my lips’.
I know I'm biased but Ray's thoughts always bless and/or challenge me.