if there is a place called Heaven, there must be some standard for entrance.
For such a place means that Its Creator owns and dwells there. How can any of
us know what He is like and what His dress requirements are for entrance?
Sounds discriminatory, the word our World is trying to eradicate. Too bad! He
does have the last word after all in life’s matters. The question each of us
needs to answer is ‘Where can I find the required information for acceptance in
Heaven?’ Most people would say that is the realm of religion. True! However,
which Faith system has the best credentials?
I’ve bet
my life on the credentials of the Bible and its revelation of the Person who is
Heaven’s Lord. We know Him as Jesus Christ. Heaven’s inhabitants revere Him as
Yahweh, Son of God, the Logos. When you read about Him and His dwelling place
it becomes crystal clear entrance requires an impossible dress code for we
earth inhabitants. We are told that ‘without holiness’ it is impossible to see
the Lord, (Hebrews 12:14) let alone get past whoever is on the ‘gate’. In our most impressive
moments of self-evaluation holy would not be a term we would apply to ourselves. For the
word embraces concepts, behaviour and character traits which strip all our
pretence of measuring up to Heaven’s dress code.
speaks of purity in mind, thought, action and relationships. Holiness is being
unblemished in our worship of the Eternal God. Holiness reveals that a person
is partaker of the sacred, thereby separated from the defilement of our Sin
nature and its multitude of expressions. Holiness says to us “Unless there is a
miracle you will never be fitted out for Heaven’s dress requirement.” Why?
Simply because holiness isn’t a deodorant to splash on or a perfume to cover
our body odour or soul's cesspool. Holiness can never be manufactured by so called ‘good works’
(they have our foul fingerprints all over them). Well intentioned promises are
easily forgotten and religious ritual is an empty exercise separated from
personal holiness and faith.
It begins to look
as though Heaven will be an empty place, apart from the angels. It would have
been without the transforming grace of God expressed in the Judeo-Christian
Bible. In symbol, statement and ultimately in the Person of Jesus Christ
Heaven’s dress requirement became an earthly gift. This is the message of
Scripture. It is the basic theme of Christmas. It is the ultimate achievement,
for us, of Calvary. It is the most wonderful gift ever offered to corrupt, wayward,
ignorant, indifferent and spiritually dead people. For Christ’s life on earth stood the test
under intense and sustained opposition and temptation to make Him similar to
us, that is, unholy. How do we know? From the historical records and the
Biblical accounts, Jesus Christ died to sin, buried it and on the third day
rose again. Now He has not only prepared a place in heaven for believers, He
has provided the garment which meets the code. What is that garment? It isn’t a
spiritual feeling or a religious observance. It is none other than the very
life of Christ indwelling us and in the eyes of the Father, covering us
How can
we earn this ‘garment?’ We cannot! How then is it available? It is the gift of
God to us. Ephesians 2:1-10. How do we claim it? By realising our un–holiness
and its consequences. Then seeking for the cleansing, forgiveness and
transforming grace of God offered to us as a faith and gratitude response. 2
Corinthians 5:11–21
I can
never be good enough for heaven in my own dress code. This I know, however,
I’ve been given Christ Jesus' promise of meeting Him face to Face one day. How?
Because of His grace and gift to me. This is also available to anyone, to you,
by a faith response, regardless of how weak you may think your faith to be. Jesus
will honour your heart’s call and cleanse, forgive and transform you from the
inside out and clothe you in His righteousness, which is the holy dress code of
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