Strength Renewed by Shirley Corder.
Published by Revell
Cancer casts a dreadful pall over more than the afflicted one. Family, friends, colleagues are all drawn into its gloom. Shirley shares her journey into, through and out of this oppressive dark mist of the soul. She writes honestly, simply and with nice touches of her beloved country of South Africa .
It gave me some insights into the emotional, spiritual and relational roller-coaster the patient endures. It is worth reading by friends of the cancer sufferer to help them handle their own emotions so as to stand with their loved one or colleague. I’m a retired minister and believe this book would be helpful in a pastoral setting. Following a page describing a stage in her journey, three questions are asked. This is for personal reflection. I think they would be very helpful for family members to share in also. Maybe breast cancer support groups could use them to good effect. The time may be rounded off with a short prayer already there and a short, relevant Bible verse.
Life can throw us off balance in so many ways. Then it is easy to lose direction, hope, faith and a sense of personal value. In such times we need some resources and understanding people to help us regain our balance and perspective for living. ‘Strength Renewed’ by Shirley Corder and published by Revell is one such resource especially for breast cancer sufferers. It is out now and available in good book shops. It is also available on an ebook
Reviewed by Ray Hawkins
I was sent this book by the publisher, Revell, to be reviewed.
I was sent this book by the publisher, Revell, to be reviewed.
Ray, thank you so much for this review. It's so good having friends across the world to encourage us in our writing ventures! Blessings to you and Mary.