Wednesday, September 4, 2019

The 2nd Adam and Isaiah 53.

There’s an interesting principle recognised in Scripture. I’d call the Principle of the ‘Flesh’ then the ‘Spirit.’ I Corinthians 15:45-49. Consider it in the light of Esau and Jacob, Saul and David.

Apply this to Adam of the Garden of Eden fame and the 2nd Adam from Galilee. Here, in the mind of God, are the only two true men in Earth’s history. Let the following stretch your mind: what Jesus did in His ministry He did as Man, not Immanuel [God with us]. Therefore, the 1st Adam could have done what Jesus did! Maybe from that we can gain an insight into the horrendous cost of the treason of Adam of Eden.
His legacy is dark. It includes death, both physical and spiritual; the loss of the fellowship of the Holy Spirit; the delusion of being as a god [the Serpent’s word]; the works of the Flesh [Galatians 5:17-21]; corruption of the body [1 Corinthians 15:42]; Etc.

In the light of this you can understand Romans 3:23, we fall short of the Lord’s ‘bench mark’ because we have Adam as our Federal Head. Romans 5 uses the words: sinners, wrath, enemies, condemnation, judgement, to further describe our situation from Heaven’s perspective. Co-incidentally, this explains why the 2nd Adam’s entrance into the World required the virgin birth. He was free from the 1st Adam’s curse and legacy bequeathed to us.

How was it possible then for God to look on and talk to Adam and Eve? Because of the wonder of the fact that the Messiah, in the mind of Yahweh, had already been crucified. He looked at Adam and everyone thereafter through the cross. The Eternal Lord also clothed Adam and Eve in clothing made from skin, presumedly, from a sheep.  

Jesus as the 2nd Adam was tested by Satan in the Wilderness after fasting for forty days. It was as Man Jesus faced the one who beguiled Eve to bring about her husband’s downfall. Jesus prevailed as Man by standing on the Word of God and using it to unmask and then defeat His adversary. Scriptures informs us that He was tested through the same means with which we are, yet without yielding [Hebrews 4:15].

In the light of the Christ of the cross we can begin to grasp the enormity of the 1st Adam’s failure. There on Calvary was the greatest conflict of all time, and beyond. Adam of Eden’s betrayal with its consequences, Satan’s instrument, Death and Yahweh’s righteous judgement. All this, plus the sin of everyone ever conceive sought to overwhelm and destroy the Servant of Isaiah 53. Could His sinless, tested humanity prevail?  What was required to put things holy, pure and immortal was one as Adam was before His fall. Another Creation of another Man would not do. That which was required was a descendant of Adam and Eve. Because, Adam of Eden had been made in the image of God, [Genesis1:26-27] it was possible for God to be clothed in Humanity [Philippians 2:5-8]. Whilst Isaiah 53 deals primarily with the Nation of Israel’s cataclysmic failures, Jesus stressed its wider embrace. There is another sheep fold He must bring under His shepherding care. This would also require Him to lay down His life for them [John 10:15-17].

All of this would be useless without the testimony of the empty tomb. If Christ be not risen, He is a fraud, the scriptures are a lie, we who preach Jesus as Lord and Saviour, risen and interceding for us are deceivers. However, Jesus the Christ, the 2nd Adam, the fulness of Isaiah 53’s shadow has conquered all that which sought to destroy Him.

As the 2nd Adam what has He achieved? Much more than that which follows. We share in the resurrection from the dead; He has made us alive; death is destroyed, He will rule supreme; the gift of a new, spiritual, incorruptible, glorious and immortal body [1Corinthians 15:21-54]. By His grace, through commitment to Him we are new people, justified, kings and priests, righteous, reconciled, at peace, rejoicing in hope [Romans 5 2 Corinthians 5:17 Etc.]. and, we shall see Him, worship Him and be like Him [1 John 3:2.]

When you read Isaiah 53 with its beauty and savagery one thing ‘speaks’ loud and clear, ‘He shall see the labour of His soul and be satisfied’ [verse11]. This reminds us of Hebrews 12:2 ‘looking unto Jesus, the author and finisher of our faith, who for the joy that was set before Hm endured the cross, despising the shame and has sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.’  

To reject the Person revealed in Isaiah 53 and made known to us, from the Gospels, as Jesus is dangerous. Jesus is the Way, the Truth and the Life and as such He alone can lead us to the Father. As Peter said in Acts 4:12, “There is salvation in no other, for there is no other Name under heaven given among men by which we must be saved.” And those words were secured by His death at Calvary and His triumph from the tomb. There is no other Redeemer! Outside of Jesus the Christ, is condemnation, separation, and an eternal sorrow!

Whilst there is the opportunity do not neglect His grace or spurn His offer of forgiveness, newness and a faith relationship which leads to beholding Him in His Kingdom. Give Him a call, how, simply believe He is close by, unseen yet waiting for you to invite Him to be your Saviour and Lord. this is your giving Him your life in a faith response to that which He has done for you. Get a Bible, read Genesis, Exodus, Deuteronomy, the four Gospels to give yourself a foundation on which to know and enjoy Jesus as Saviour and Lord. Find a church which believes the Bible is true and teaches it.

©Ray Hawkins Sept.3rd 2019